I wondered why did this happen. I went to Henry's work area, just behind me.

I looked at him and said "You were the one who named the posters, right? Why did you name the draft posters as the final poster for printing?"

He looked at me haughtily and said "Why blame me? You did not check the files thoroughly when I named the files. It is your responsibility to check the files before sending it out. I haven't join the company yet when this poster was made so I don't know the specifications of the poster."

I was flustered and said "what?"

"You did not thoroughly explain which posters were the drafts and the final one. I just did what you asked me to do when you were still my mentor. You need to improve your leadership, okay?" He intimidatingly said this straight up to me.

I'm so mad at this guy right now. He's obviously blaming me.

Yes, it is my fault for not checking the file before sending but he should ask me if I didn't explain it properly to him.

"Why didn't you ask me to see if you labelled the file correctly? "

"When I asked you, you just said it's correct and that's it. The posters were similar so you might have confused the draft was the final one." He said.

"Still, you had the final say before sending that file and that was beyond my control. You were careless." He added.

He showed a smirk smile on his face. "You even caused trouble for Zilly to cover your mistake. Good thing there's still time to print the final posters as the event will be held later in the afternoon."

"You've also caused trouble for the people involved in the event, not just for Zilly." He added.

He stood up from his chair and was about to walk past through me. As he was about to walk past through me, he stopped and he clicked his tongue several times indicating I did something unacceptable. He even shook his head slowly while clicking his tongue then he walked away holding some documents.

I'm so angry that Henry was rudely blaming me for my incompetence but at the same time I felt ashamed for causing trouble for everyone. I'm literally clenching my fists to control my emotions.

I went back to Sir Mark and I relayed to him that I made a mistake about sending the wrong file to the printing and for not guiding Henry well about the details of the poster. I also apologized for my mistake.

"If we haven't sent anyone from our department to witness the preparation for the event, it will be a disaster. The draft poster had a different product in it." Sir mark cupped his forehead using his hand.

"I'm so sorry for the mistake I caused," I apologized again sincerely to him.

"It's now okay. The case was resolved. Just don't be careless again, okay?" He removed his hand from his forehead and he gently smiled at me.

"The problem is, there was an additional cost for the printing of the new set of posters. There must be an reimbursement since Zilly used her own money to pay for the printing, and it was rushed too so it is kind of expensive." He said.

I got nervous all of the sudden because I might pay the reimbursement because the company wouldn't pay for an employee's fault as the budget for the posters was already used.

"I'm sorry but you have to pay the reimbursement for the printing of the new posters. The company will not pay for the reimbursement because budget was already allocated for the printing and it is expected that everything will go smoothly." He strictly said.

I'm so doomed. It would likely to be expensive because it has a hundred plus copies and the printing was rushed too. The price would be doubled... the posters were printed in colored too... the size of the posters were not just in a short bond paper size... and most of all the paper used for printing is not just an ordinary paper.

I've got no choice but to pay it because it is indeed my fault. The price I have to pay might be half of my one month's salary.

"Apologize to Zilly and pay her back for the reimbursement, okay?"

I agreed to pay for the reimbursement and I reassured him I will apologize to Zilly about the trouble I caused her.

I went back to my desk. I blankly stared at my computer screen. I was relieved Sir Mark is so generous that he did not really scold me from my incompetence but I feel so troubled that I've caused inconvenience to others due to my mistake.

"What did Sir Mark say?" I swiveled the chair towards to my back and I saw Henry popped out above the edge of his cubicle divider.

I stood up and went to him. I said all the things that Sir Mark have said to me and also about the reimbursement.

"Yikes." Henry said this with a disgusted face.

Why can't he be more considerate? He's showing an inappropriate reaction. I can feel that he thinks I deserve it.

"It might be expensive since it is rushed and all." He doesn't show any hint of sympathy at all.

To lighten up my mood, I joked to him that if he wants to help me pay the reimbursement.

"What? No way. That's your mistake for not being thourough." He said.

I sarcastically smiled at him and I returned to my desk.

"I heard from Henry the news about the issue. So you'll really pay for the cost of the printing?" Reese concernedly said this.

I sighed and said "Yes, apparently. It was my fault for sending the wrong file to the printing company. I feel so ashamed for what I did."

Reese comforted me. "Don't worry about it. It was already resolved, right? Just be attentive to your work next time."
I still feel ashamed for the trouble I caused, especially to Zilly. Also, I'm still affected from the words that Henry has said to me. However, I'm relieved that the event went through smoothly even if there was a changes on the last minute. I'm amazed by Zilly for acting fast on the mistake. I'm also grateful for her despite being mean at me.

I'm already at my home laying around the bed. I'm just petting my cat sitting on my belly while I'm staring at ceiling.

I'm having a reflection inside my mind. Why did I commit that stupid mistake? If it wasn't for Zilly, our department will be blamed and I'll get in real trouble.

Maybe I was out of myself back then because Henry was being unrefined towards me despite me being his mentor. He makes me feel stupid sometimes as he insists that he can do this and that which he really is doing a great job. He's indeed smart.

However, I was unlucky that time that my twisted emotions toward him affected my work. I'm so ashamed.

I can imagine how Zilly will be so mad at me tomorrow, knowing her personality. I will sincerely apologize for the trouble I've caused on her and I will pay the cost she paid on the printing of the posters.
It's the next day and I'm with Zilly at the balcony area of the company building. We are seated face to face with a circular table in between us. I placed my crutches behind me and I positioned it in an inclined plane against my back rest.

I looked into her eyes sincerely and I sincerely apologized her about the trouble I've caused her.

She's giving me an angry expression. "You better! I kept on apologizing on your behalf to the event organizers for the error you've caused! It was embarrassing on what I've been through yesterday! I even used my own money to pay for that expensive printing cost!"

She crossed her arm and looked at me fiercely mad. "I used my credit card to pay for it since I didn't bring much cash. Good thing they accept credit cards!" She raised her voice while saying this.

I apologized to her again. I brought a white envelope containing the money that I need to pay. I placed the envelope on the table in front of her.

Suddenly, she slid the envelope towards me as if she doesn't want the money. I was baffled why she did that. I looked at her looking confused.

"I'll overlook the trouble you've caused me and I will not ask you to repay me anymore. Let's make a deal, shall we?" She cheekily smiled at me.

»»»»»End of Chapter 18«««««

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