"Are you sure? I was just leaving for my trip, you are more than welcome to go and wake her. I'm sure she would love it." I look down at her hand and see her dragging a suitcase.

"Really?" my voice sounds weaker than I meant it to.

She giggles.

"Of course, she is absolutely head over heels for you, you are all she talks about you know."

I smile at that.

"Come on, come on. I have to go. Lock the door behind you, my dear. I should be back in a few days, feel free to use whatever you want. We aren't greedy. I don't mind if you and Darleen hog the whole house to yourselves. Just try not to go too wild." She winks at me.

I feel my face burn a bright red.

She laughs and pats my head, cringes at her now sweaty hand, and then gives me a smile before walking to her car, bag in tow.

I quickly walk into the house and shut the door and lock it behind me. Their door has one of those fancy locks. All you have to do is press the lock symbol on a keypad and it locks up the whole house.

I take in the huge house, I swear I will never get used to it. I walk over to the grand staircase and up to Darleen's room. Luckily, I have finally gotten the hang of how to navigate her big house. Or else I would be hopelessly lost until Darleen found me.

I carefully and quietly open her bedroom door. She is passed out on her bed. Her mouth hangs open slightly and her hair is all crazy. She is clutching tightly to a pillow. Super adorable and just looking at her makes me blush.

I smile softly before walking into her room and moving to wake her, that's when I realize I am still a sweaty mess. I frown. No way do I want to wake her like this. I glance around her room in search of the clothes I left here a few weeks ago. I don't see anything, so I move to her dresser and inspect it. I open the top drawer and find my clothes. They are neatly folded, and smell washed. I grab them and then head to the shower.

I quickly get in and begin my shower. I grab Darleen's shampoo and take a big whiff of it. It smells just like her. Washing with it makes me smell like her. It's like I have her wrapped all around me. All I have to do is breathe and I can feel her close.

When I am done I get dressed and put my sweaty clothes in a bag. Then I walk back to her room. She is still sound asleep. I smile and walk over to her before crawling into bed next to her. I remove the pillow from her grasp and take its place. She stirs a bit but doesn't wake up. She just snuggles closer to me.

I giggle and wrap my arms around her. Then I close my eyes and fall asleep. Apparently staying up all night makes a person really tired. I was out in seconds.

When I woke up, I was alone in her bed. The sun was high in the sky now. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Then I scanned the room for Darleen. She was sitting in her reading corner with a book. When she heard me stir, her eyes darted to me. We locked eyes and smiled at each other.

"Hey," I said.

"Good afternoon wifey." She smirked.

"Sorry I didn't mean to sleep so long; it was a long night." I got up and stretched.

She closed her book and got up and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, pulling me close.

"Waking up to you beside me will always be one of life's sweet little gifts." She said.

It made me blush. I smiled at her before kissing her softly.

She deepened the kiss. When she pulled back I rested my head on her shoulder.

Attention Jade Tate (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now