• 46 • rum, ravishing, and realizations

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All Anne remembered was him carrying her home. Everything else had left her memory. If it hadn't, she probably wouldn't have wanted to drink either.

"Gilbert, you've sailed around the world," Anne poked his shoulder jokingly, "but having a little rum stops you?"

"I had a bad experience in Trinidad." Gilbert grimaced.

So did the plant I threw up in.

Anne tapped her fingers on the bottle, "You know how you move past bad memories?"


"By making new ones," she paused before deciding to be bold, "with me."

Anne knew exactly what she was doing. She was searching for the bravery to tell Gilbert she loved him and hoping all of her flirting was obvious enough to communicate that for her.


"You're safe. You're around a lot of people who can take care of you. You're with-"

Anne waited for a moment and searched his face for a reaction. But Gilbert's face was completely blank.

Gilbert noticed Anne's expression change but decided not to say anything. It wasn't worth it.

"You're with me. I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"Isn't that supposed to be my line?"

"I'm a woman. I'm just as brave and strong as anyone else."

"I never said you weren't."

"So then no. That's not your line."

"Fair enough."

Anne raised her eyebrows and held out the bottle. Gilbert gave her a defeated frown before taking the bottle and sipping it.


After a few more sips of rum, briefly meeting Maggie's friends, and entertaining Charlie by telling him stories from "the country," Anne and Gilbert made their way to the roof where it was quieter and cooler than Charlie's seemingly small dorm.

"Be honest with me." Gilbert's alcohol kicked in as he sat next to Anne on the ledge.

"When am I not honest with you?" Anne turned and noticed his slight wobble.

"Constantly." He retorted, "I just know how to read you."

"That's not-" she felt defensive, but thought about his accusation, "Fine, then what am I thinking about right now?"

He laughed. A deep spirited laugh, "How ravishing I am."

"Gilbert!" Anne gasped, putting her hand over her heart.

"What?" He exclaimed, poking her arm, "That's pretty much what you said last time!"

"I did...," Anne shook her head, "what?"

"Last time you touched alcohol you tackled me and said 'You're so dreamy!'" Gilbert mimicked.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

Anne frowned and crossed her arms. She wasn't actually mad, but her face was burning red.

Gilbert shifted closer to her and dropped his voice, "Do you still think that now?"

She was not about to give in and admit anything from that night. She didn't remember it to really be honest about it, "How did you respond?"

"That's not what I asked." He shot back.

"And that's not what I asked." Anne was far too stubborn for this conversation, "What did you say?"

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