Start from the beginning

"Upstairs babe! I'll be down in a few!" Alexandria said as she was just finishing up talking to Altheya.

Alexandria turned back towards her younger sister by five years as Altheya crossed her legs on her bed waiting for her big sister to say something else.

"You know ate, it wasn't just the flowers. He gave me a note which Tatum had given to me a few nights ago and he left a pretty angry voice message for me too. So I can only imagine how pissed he is, but none of this would've happened if his dick wasn't so fucking huge!"

Altheya groaned suddenly and muffled her face into her pillow. Alexandria just laughed.

"Exactly. But don't engage in his foolish behaviour. You're currently in a happy and stable relationship and sinc he is in a relationship too, he shouldn't be bothering you with his crap."

Alexandria grinned back at her sister. "He's just trying to get back at you for doing absolutely nothing. You're living your life and he chose to live a life clearly without you in it! You'll be fine. I know you will."

She kissed her sister's temple before walking out of the bedroom door.

Altheya smiled. "You always know exactly what to do, sis. Merci."

Alexandria smiled. "De rien, kiddo."

And as soon as Altheya heard the door close, She was just about to text her friends about what had just happened, but someone was calling her.

──────{⋅. .⋅} ──────

Over in Rome, Giulia had just seen the news. The Italian paused the television where the news caster had gotten the camera to zoom into Altheya's driveway. Giulia squinted towards the screen and dusted off the crumbs from her fingers that had stuck to palms as she was eating her way through a bag of chips.

From beside her, her boyfriend Alessio made a shield with his hands. "Now before you say anything"— But Giulia was already launching pillows off of the couch and launching them at his face.

"I can't believe you! YOU ACTUALLY TALKED DAMI INTO SENDING THEM!" Giulia yelled, glaring as she was gearing up to tackle him.

Alessio jumped off the couch and stood up, putting his hands up in front of his face like a shield. "Woah, woah, woah, amore, I didn't tell Dami to send the flowers I just suggested that it might be a good way to apologize, you know after what he did."

Alessio grinned sheepishly as Giulia continued to advance towards him, cornering him between the bookshelf and the wall. He was lucky enough not to have any books fall ontop of him.

Giulia rolled her eyes and smiled brightly before smacking him in the chest with another pillow. "Sei cosi, stupido, sai!" Giulia mumbled, her eyes still glowering at his frame stuck between the bookshelf. "Girls don't want flowers that will die! WE WANT ACTIONS!"

"God Ale..." Giulia continued as she mocked him. "Oh yes let's send flowers to your ex instead of actually owning up to what you did!" Mattia was annoyed at her boyfriend for being so damn dense.

But luckily for her, Alessio was willing to become smarter.


Giulia turned to leave the living room but Alessio stopped her and grabbed her hand. Before Giulia could do anything, Alessio spun her into the corner that she had previously trapped him in and kissed her once.

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