Liam hasn't taken the Beta position as they are waiting for him to turn eighteen so they can do it traditionally; something Adonis should have had.

The manor was huge with five floors and 30+ rooms. It used to feel like home when Mabel was in it, she was always the life and soul of the pack, and now that she's gone the pack was at a loss. The residence was now just a meaningless building. Mabel had loved the house though and that is the only reason Adonis kept it. He would keep it for her to come home too. She had her own room there and everything, and to this day it still smelled like her, her sweet cookie and rose oil scent.

No one was allowed into the Lunas room, besides the Alpha and the Luna herself.

Adonis had overtaken four packs and increased the economy by 57% since his dad 'stepped down'.

He was a natural leader, so much so that he was to be declared Alpha King when he turns seventeen. A title he didn't need, nor did he want. He was going to have to be called "Summi Ducis" which translated to supreme Leader in Latin but he will be called "Dux" for short on a day to day basis.

Adonis was going to have to go on a tour of the packs for half a year, a tour that ended on the day his missing mate was born. The 21st of January.

Adonis walked into the kitchen as he grabbed a bottle of water and headed to the bathroom.

"Whatsuuuuppp Donnnyyyy", he heard a voice slur from behind him.

Adonis rolled his eyes at the sound of his annoying Betas drunken voice.

Liam, now like Bash, has ptsd from the attack on the pack and continues to go to therapy even though it's obvious it's not helping much.

"Liam? Drinking? Again?" Adonis says as he turns to look at his stumbling best friend.

"LM disndt like the sarcasm and neithther do I" Liam said, pointing his finger at Adonis as he slurs. Adonis flinches at his mentioning of his mate.

"Shut it Liam", Adonis says, his tone clipped.

Liams eyes turned dark as his eyebrows furrowed.

"No. How about you shut up? I'm TIRED of you telling me to "shut up"?! How about you listen to me? You have never once asked what happened, only asked where she was and when I said that I had let her get kidnapped you smashed the pack house up and left for two weeks! While I was back here starting a search party while suffering from brain damage that left me partially paralysed! You're lucky I recovered. And ya know what? I'm not even mad. I'm not. I understand that you lost your mate but this pack lost their Luna. The second time in the last five years they lost a Luna and you moped around instead of doing something about it straight away. Well ya know what? You can listen to my story. The events of that night" Liam hissed, fisting his hair with his hands, and staggering around drunkenly.

Adonis' heart clenched at the pain in his Betas eyes, his eyes looking over Liams shaking hands and tense body.

"Liam how about you-"

"No adonis. You need to hear. Mabel had woken up and started screaming for a boy, Nicholas, she said he had told her that there was going to be an attack and to get you on the phone and warriors outside along with doubling perimeter guards-"

"Liam if you don't stop I won't be able to control him." Adonis shouted feeling helpless. His wolf shook in his head to tear through his best friend for uttering their mates name. Why was Adonis letting him speak of her? He could easily make him stop. So why not now?

"-I was stupid, I decided to call you first. I shouldn't have. I should have went for anyone but you, what could you do? You were going to camp. I called you and stayed outside guarding the room while she spoke. Then I remember hearing something, a whistling, it didn't take long before I acted defensively and burst into the room to tell Mabel to get down. It was too late. The bomb landed near the house and blasted that part away. I blacked out and when I opened my eyes I saw her screaming.-", Liam continues, ignoring Adonis' panicked pleading.

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