"These are Dad's memories." Eren said.

Zeke looked at the family of three. They were having a good time. A much better time than that of Marley.

"Look how happy they are...Considering he's living his life after sending his friends and family straight to hell."

Eren just stayed quiet and looked at his mom. He hasn't seen her ever since that day. The only images he had of his mother was only just memories like the ones they were experiencing.

"Let's go." Eren said and walked out the door.


The Brothers were moved to a different set of memories. This was when Eren was 9 years of age. The day he met Mikasa. They were in the room where the murders happened. Grisha walked in the room with his briefcase and inspected the bodies. He wanted to see if they were alive.

He checked for a pulse and for any signs of breathing, but there was nothing. It was just three bodies lying in puddles of blood.

"You did all this on your own?" Zeke asked with horror.

"Not exactly...I did it all with her help." Eren responded.

"So, this was how you met your girlfriend...Seems fitting for someone like you. Have you always been this way?"

"I guess so...I've always resorted to violence to put an end to conflict because I knew there was no other way to fix all this. I understood that even when I was young...But I know that in the end, all this bloodshed will be worth it. I've seen the future...it won't be the same as the history this world lives upon. So to achieve that outcome, I have to keep moving forward." Eren said. Then, there was a long pause between the two.

"You thought our father raised us the same, but you're wrong.... If someone is willing to take my freedom away, I won't hesitate to take theirs.... Father never made me that way...That's just how I've been since I was born." Eren said.

"Since birth?" Zeke asked.

"You won't find that pathetic younger brother you desired in me or the one who can share the same emotional scars you do.... Standing beside me, all I see is man who is only defined by his father's wish to restore Eldia...A pathetic man who is ensnared by his dead father." Eren said. Zeke looked down and began walking away from Eren without saying a word.

Eren looked down at the scene that was now playing. Mikasa was looking down and was wearing Grisha's coat when his younger self wrapped his scarf around her. His eyes narrowed at the scene. He still remembers this day. It was the day he lost his innocence and met the one who was meant for him. The only person that understood him.

He kneeled to their level and leaned close to his younger self's ear.

"Protect her..." He whispered.

"Eren..." Zeke called him out.

"I'm going."


The brothers were then transported to a different set of memories. It was 10 years back when the walls were first infiltrated. They were the crystal cave where the royal family performs their ceremonies to inherit the Founding Titan from their successor.

"What is this place?" Zeke asked.

"The King of the Walls' base. This is where they inherit the Founding Titan....I'm surprised dad was able to find it so quickly." Eren said.

In front of them, stood Grisha who was about to slaughter the entire royal family for its powers.

"I am an Eldian who is from beyond the walls. I, like you, am a Subject of Ymir....Please, you must kill the Titans attacking the walls at once! Before my wife and children are eaten!" Grisha shouted.

"We cannot escape our sins. The time has come for the Subjects of Ymir to face judgement." Frieda said.

Grisha and Frieda had an argument and as they did beside Grisha, another Eren appeared. Grisha fell on his knees and was about to stab himself with a knife but hesitated and dropped the knife to the floor.

"I can't...I could never kill children...I'm a doctor...I save lives." Grisha said while looking down and was on the verge of tears.

The other Eren kneeled next to Grisha and spoke to him.

"What are you waiting for? Isn't it to get revenge? For your sister who was eaten by dogs. You move forward even if you die and after you die...You started this story now end it." the other Eren said.

Zeke's eyes widened at the sight.

"It was all you?" He exclaimed.

"No..." Eren simply said.

"That isn't me...Look closer."

And so Zeke did. He was right they were too different people. The Eren kneeling next to Grisha had emerald, green eyes and looked a lot more like his father. While the Eren next to him had teal eyes with pink shards and looked a lot more like Carla.

"There's two of you." Zeke said with surprise and shock.

"I've seen him before. He's spoken with me directly." Eren simply said.

Even their voices sounded different. The other Eren had a much rougher and deeper voice. While the Eren stood beside him had low yet soothing one.

"Is he the one behind all this?" Zeke asked.

"Yes...He commanded father to kill the Reiss family and I'm certain there's a deeper meaning to all this." Eren stated as he remembered when the other Eren spoke to him when he had that stake of wood in his chest.


The Brothers were transported from the memories and back to the Titan Realm. Eren had his hands in his pocket as he looked at the Coordinate. Zeke was on his knees with his hands dug into his head.

"Do you get it now? None of us here were controlled except for our father. It has all been lied down for me to do this...."

"I'm sorry, Zeke, but...."

"This all ends now."

In an Alternate Reality IVWhere stories live. Discover now