||CHAPTER 34||

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Three months away from Blue have been a real hustle. It's no different from my daily work in the sense that I have to strive and be patient to achieve what I want in the end. Patience is running out on me especially now that she hasn't spoken to me in almost two weeks. I was a jerk for not telling her about Joanna. She is a sensitive topic and I should have told her about it. Then let her decide whether to be angry, mad or pissed. Hiding it from her was never a good idea. That is amplified every day when I make a call and it goes straight to voicemail or fails to go through.

Her silence has made me realise that communication is key in our situation. If we don't have that then our relationship is prone to going down the drain. Something that I do not want to happen. At least not for a third time. Unless we have been bewitched and the witch died, which is highly unlikely.

I miss her so bad it's sickening. With our broken communication, I'm constantly getting worried about her. Most of the time wondering if she is okay or safe or stressing over my stupidity. It's so hard and it makes me wish a million times that I never acted stupidly because if I didn't, then I wouldn't have to worry so much.

I have debated on calling Salma or Asahd to ask about her well being but I can't bring myself to do it. I don't want any of them to know we are on a rough patch right now. It would absurd. Through her posts on IG stories, I can partially see that she is and looks fine or okay. Though I can't really trust what I see on social media. Most of it is just for a face show. We post what we want people to see and not what the reality is. It's quite exhausting sometimes but we just have to bear with it. 

"Come on, "Jadiel squeezes my elbow snapping me from my thoughts. "You have been grumpy since last week. Did something bad happen to Blue?" he asks in concern.

I'm not surprised when he hits the subject correctly. He and his sister are so clever beyond their age and it's something that amazes my uncle every single time they make a smart ass comment to flip or blow up his cover.

"No," I answer with a smile but it doesn't work for him. His scrutinising gaze tells me that he is waiting for me to explain more.

"Would you mind telling us why you are grumpy then? Again." Jennifer saves her brother from repeating the question as she joins us at the dining table.

She's a literal definition of a sweet child. Very irresistible once you get attached. Then there is her brother, Jadiel who annoys the hell out of me for mirroring his sister's definition. It is not normal because boys are never sweet. Boys are naughty, annoying or frustrating. It's something that I am learning to get used to but it will take me a long time to come to terms with it. As I said, it's not normal. At least not for me. Mayhap it's because I was used to having naughty bad boys for brothers. But whatever the case, it will still remain abnormal.

"Your best friend is mad at me," I respond.

She gives me a scrutinising look that reflects that of her brother.

"What did you do?" she asks with pouty lips after a while and I almost roll my eyes.

Jadiel is keenly looking at me waiting for the response too.

"You're vouching for her side?" I ask and she shrugs.

Between Blue and me, she is her favourite yet they have never met. Very unfair but I don't mind as long as both are still my girls and I love them in my own way.

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