If it was something else he did to anger or annoying or frustrate me, I would try to understand. But this a matter concerning his ex who is leisurely giggling on my man's back. The same man who has mentioned nothing about their reunion. It hurts. So bad. Especially when the fact that his ex gets the opportunity to be with him and I don't, crosses my mind.

"Who is Joanna?" Salma asks frowning in confusion.

"The girl who was with Skye in Bulgaria. Did you already forget?" I respond in a little frustration before she snatches the phone and stares at her.

"Oh, man. I didn't recognise her. Why the hell is he on Skye's back?" she asks getting protective.

"I don't know. I'm as confused as you are," I mutter bitterly.

"There is much more to this and it exceeds me. You need to talk to him. He has some explaining to do. In the meantime, don't do what we girls like doing the best, jumping to conclusions. For all we know, they might have gotten back together but just as friends. I'm sure Skye won't betray what you two have. So until he confirms what they are and explains why he never told you, then pretend not to be affected even though I know it will be hard," Salma inputs.

"If they are friends again then he should have told me at least. Mostly because it concerns her. He knows I'm not a favourite in her diaries. I'm not sure why he wants us to get entangled," I whine.

"Just wait for his explanation and then we can judge from there," Salma suggests. "This is harder than I thought. It's so torturous and it feels like hell. It's testing your patience, trust, power to endure and every other testable whatnot. Stupid LDR," Salma mutters bitterly.

We were to supposed both Skye and Mario next week while shooting the project they have been developing. Though due to unavoidable circumstances like work for both of them, we had to accept the fact that we shall not be seeing them in at least another month. No disappointment matched the one we felt. It was mega and draining especially for Salma. She almost has four months of not seeing her beloved Mario.

"I'm never advising someone to try LDR. No matter how strong they think they are. It's so draining and drowning," I grumble.

"I couldn't agree more," she huffs going back to her phone.

I step off the bed and head over to the closet where I shed my pajamas and grab my towel then head to the bathroom. I'm trying not to overthink about Joanna because I might end up jumping to conclusions and the last thing I want to do is that. Skye better be having a good reason why he never thought of telling me about her.


I walk into the living room aiming directly at my laptop. Salma is busy working on her laptop.

"What is it you write at four in the mornings. I forgot to ask. I have seen you do it several times now," she pries.

I take a seat on the working desk and grab my laptop, switch it on, make sure it is connected to the network before I make the call.

"It's a business plan or rather a proposal," I respond simply.

"For what? You want to start a business?" she pries further.

"I'm hoping so."

"What type of business?" her questions now sound like those I usually get from interviews and I do not like them.

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