Chapter 10

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"I can't believe it's you." Itadori grumbled and plopped himself on his bed.

"That's supposed to be my line." Fushiguro sat down on the floor, in front of Itadori's bed.

The silence was getting even more awkward as the seconds passed by. Honestly Itadori didn't care about it, he just wanted to play more. But something felt weird, he felt like he was missing something out, or like there was something that he was under looking something. His gut feelings won't let him rest at all.

"Wanna play twenty questions?" Itadori turned his head and looked at Fushiguro. "I mean only if you want to..."

"Sure. I don't mind."

Itadori sat up on his bed and stared into Fushiguro's soul.

"You can go first, Fushiguro."

"Oh-oh right uhm... Do you have any rules? Like what I shouldn't be touching or opening in your room."

"Oh? Hmmm.. Now that you mention it, don't open the last drawer of my desk and don't go through my laptop, that's it... I guess. My turn, what do you do in your free time?"

"Oh... Nothing much, I just read or study..." I didn't mention that I was a closeted nerd... Or that I'm Pablo... Feels weird.

Fushiguro flickered his gaze to something else, he was thinking of what to ask Itadori.

"Oh, do you have a crush? Or someone you're interested in?" Am I too direct?

"I actually... Have someone that I'm interested in, but I'm not really sure... I mean... It'll be too weird, like very very weird. I don't think I should be interested in that guy but I mean I can't help it ahaha..." I spoke to much urghhh!!

"Oh..." A guy? Oh...

"Anyways, my turn... How was your childhood?" Fushiguro looked at Itadori then looked away. "Is it a touchy subject?"

"No not really... It's just that I haven't had the best childhood..."

It was summer and everything was getting hotter day by day. And when it's too hot for you to handle, your mind doesn't function properly. The same thing was going on with Fushiguro's mother. It seemed as if she wasn't feeling well, but whenever Toji tried to bring up the topic, she'd always deny it. She would say that she's doing fine and he didn't have to bother himself with it.

They'd fight about this everyday, every single day. Megumi was tired, he couldn't bare to see his parents fighting over something that was considered to be 'trivial'. He sided his father, he agreed that his mother didn't look fine. But he couldn't say anything, he didn't have any rights, after all, he was just a kid.

The house kept getting heated and so were their arguments. But this time, it wasn't about his mothers health. It was about what his mother had done.

"Megumi... Tell me, am I sick? I'm fine right?"

'How would I know mother... I can't say anything, I'm just a kid. It doesn't matter you're gonna end up hearing what you want.' Is what he wanted to say. But he couldn't. He decided to tell her the truth.

"No mom, you don't look good... Please, just go to a doctor..." 

Big mistake.


'See... Adults only hear what they want to or they want to hear the lie.'

The slap pained, it left a red, visible mark. When his father saw this, he couldn't talk to her about this calmly anymore.

That night, Megumi spent the night in his sisters room. She was hugging him, in attempt to cover his ears. She was crying very hard, well, at that time she was young too.

'It's all my fault

It's all my fault

It's all my fault

I caused all of this

I caused all of this

I caused all of this'

Those were the thoughts running in his head, he couldn't think of another thing, nor could he find a way to distract himself.

He felt a hand cup his cheeks.

"It's not your fault."


Fushiguro saw Itadori's face really close to his. His eyes widened and he stumbled back a bit.

"W-what are you--"

"You're crying. And I was saying, it's not your fault."

Itadori said and wiped a few more tears that spilled out of his eyes. He gently pulled Fushiguros body closer to his and engulfed him in a warm hug. His eyes widened as his shaky arms wrapped around Itadori's waist tightly.

He needed this.

He wished his sister had said this rather then apologising over and over again. He finally felt as if he was forgiven for his 'mistake'.

He smiled into Itadori's embrace as his eyes gently shut.


Word count: 732

Hello! chap 10 is finally out, damn homework is taking a toll on me, grade 9 has always been this hard lmao

Take care and stay safe <3

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