Chapter 3

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Director Fury finally made his presence known by asking Bucky a single question. "This girl... Did she tell you her full name or just 'Chrysanthemum'?" Everyone looked to Bucky to hear his answer, but he just looked at Fury and nodded. Fury sighs and throws down a file onto the middle of the table. "I know exactly who you are talking about, I was coming to brief you all on your next mission to meet a group of mages as they need some help taking out a potential threat. This young child Chrysanthemum Celestine Crystalis is one of the group that will be present."

Loki's POV


That is the only emotion to describe my inner thoughts at this moment. This child is my daughter. Just looking at the picture of her in the file Fury threw onto the table, I know.

Chrysanthemum Celestine Crystalis is my daughter.

I turn to look at Thor and catch his eye. Seeing the questioning look in his eye, I give a subtle nod to confirm that this young child is indeed mine.

With that confirmation done, we both tune back into Fury's brief that I now know contains my daughter.

"A dark guild known as Oracian Seis have been causing problems for the mage community and their actions have been alerting the general public that do not know of their existence. It is now your job to team up with a group of light mages that are converging together to help take them down." As Agent Hill finishes the short brief everyone shares glances at the prospect of teaming up with magically enhanced individuals.

"If you ae worried about them turning on you, they won't. Light guild mages are the ones that are hell bent on protecting those that can protect themselves. They are basically magical Avengers, but there are thousands of them and only few of you." Agent Coulson so helpfully comments.

Steve finally speaks up, "Where are we meeting them?"

This time it is Fury that answers, "In an abandoned Temple in Cambodia. Individuals from the guilds Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale are all meeting there in three days at noon. You will all work together to stop this threat and hopefully come out of this with allies." Fury eyes them all as he speaks his next sentence, "Particularly Fairy Tail, Chrysanthemum is known as one of the, if not THE strongest mage in the world even at her young age. We will want her on our side if a war breaks out amongst us and the any dark guild that decides to arise."

I snapped my eyes straight to the one-eyed man furious at the prospect of him using my daughter to do his bidding to see him looking directly at me. As I'm about to protest to such idiocy, Thor silences me with one look that tells me 'We will speak of this in private.'

I give a subtle nod to my brother and focus back to Fury.

"Are we done here? I assume we should all pack for our new trip we are about to take." Tony Stark, the Man of Iron intercepts.

With a nod from Fury, I stand straight and leave to have some time to my own thoughts on the matter while making my way to my sleeping chambers. My own daughter is in a mage guild. What happened to James? How has her life been if she was not with him? Why was my daughter chosen as one to fight in this battle? No matter how powerful Fury or others say she is.

My thoughts come to a stop as Thor walks follows me into my room.

"Are you sure she is your brother?" Thor questions me.

I stay silent for just a moment before responding, "I am sure. The way the Man of Winter described her, it was as if I could already feel her essence through the way he spoke that feels as though it is mine."

The room is silent as we both fall into the depths of our minds, as I think on how to approach my daughter when we meet, I start to pack the things I will need.

As I pack a bag, I barely notice Thor my room for his across the hall as I'm too deep into my own thoughts.

By the time I tune back into the present and notice my surroundings, myself and the Avengers are all on board of the quinjet, ready to take us to Cambodia.

During the flight, I think back to my memories with James and search for indication that he was carrying our child before I was summoned back to Asgard by the AllFather. But, I cannot think of anything, is it possible James didn't know until after I left? Or did he not want me to know?

As these thoughts are circling my mind, I do not notice the Avengers taking glances back at me, especially from Thor and the Man of Winter.


Back at Fairy Tail

3rd POV

It hadn't been long since Celestine woke up from her unscheduled nap and was now sat comfortably on Laxus' lap drinking her tea and listening to the chaos that was know as Fairy Tail. While in her own mind thinking about whether she wanted to accompany the Thunder God Tribe on their next job request or stay at the guild for awhile and relax, she didn't notice that Master Makarov was making his way through the first floor of the guild up to the second floor to stand on the balcony to give an announcement.

As soon as Master stands firmly on the second-floor balcony, he silences the room with three words.


The entire guild stops in their tracks, some mid-sip of a drink, others mid-punch or kick from the latest brawl that had started and the rest from conversation. Every single guild member now gives their attention to Master, all but one.

Knowing he has every one's attention; Master starts his announcement. "The Magic Council has spread word to some of the guilds that a dark guild is attempting to revive a device called Nirvana. The council has asked that small groups of mages from three guilds team up along with a group of outsiders to take down this guild and stop Nirvana from activating."

At this news, the entire guild erupts into chaos.

As the noise level continues to rise from hearing of mage worlds new predicament, a certain snow-white nine-year-old girl is broken from her own little world and is now visibly upset at coming back to reality. Since she is sitting on Laxus' lap, he notices her shift in mood straight away and so, tightens his grip on her to keep her from raging at the guild to keep the noise down.

One thing to know about Celestine, DO NOT get her angry. The girl is not someone to be trifled with when angry, she can silence a room with one look and hold more authority over them than the actual person in charge just to get the point across to not get her angry.

Master shifts toe-to-toe slightly as he can start to feel the growing magical pressure coming for Celestine behind him. Knowing what will happen if she gets out of Laxus' hold and he knows she can, he quickly silences the guild once more to declare that Fairy Tail with be offering a team to go on this mission. As soon as this announcement is made, the guild stays quiet to hear who is going on this mission.

"The group of mages I have chosen to represent Fairy Tail are:

Erza Scarlet,

Natsu Dragneel,

Gray FullBuster,

Gajeel Redfox,

Laxus Dreyer and,

Celestine Crystalis"

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