🌍 School can help too 🌍

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Hi guys! I'm joining the environmental group at my school and i need to put forward my ideas for it. Please let me know what you think, and any other suggestions are more than welcome :)

· Eco friendly cleaning supplies - they can be more expensive, but they are better for the environment. For example, METHOD is a good brand. All their products are 99% biodegradable and use entirely natural products.

· Eco friendly stationary - These can also be more expensive but they do not contain harmful acids or chemicals.

· Recycling points - School has bins in classrooms, but not outdoors or in the canteen. Why not create one large recycling point in the yard.

· Reusable bottles - Many students buy drinks from the canteen that always come in some sort of plastic bottle. Encourage students to use reusable bottles. These could be made from stainless steel (which is better for both your health and the environment) or bamboo.

· Reusable face masks - Many students wear disposable face masks at school. I think we need to encourage students to wear reusable ones that will not break as easily. This will reduce the amount of disposable face masks being left as litter.

· Vegetarian days - why not make a day a week a vegetarian day? Offer students meat free meals that are still packed with nutrients, such as lentil lasagna, vegetarian curry or stir fry.

· Reduce food waste - if, at the end of the week, the left over (un-opened) food gets thrown away, stop doing this. Why not send it to the rainbow center. This way, you are both helping the environment and the homeless people.

· Buy food grown locally - Food produced locally will reduce the amount of plastic wrapping on the food.

· Reduce printing - Keep online records of documents or limit the amount of printing allowed by each subject.

· Be energy efficient - This one makes a large difference to both the environment and the bills! Install LEDs and switch lights off. Another solution could be to install sensors so the lights will go off automatically when no one is in the room. Install a smart meter to analyse the school's energy consumption.

· Put plants in classrooms - this increases the amount of fresh air in a classroom and makes it look nice. Add plants such as roses, lilies and camellias - non of these are allergens or set of hay fever.

· Schedule a litter picking day - take a day off and organise litter licking days at the beach.

· Improve air ventilators - this will significantly improve the air quality in the school.

· Rely on natural light - try to limit the use of light bulbs. Some classrooms are in a position where they will receive sunlight for most of the school day, so take advantage of that.

· Stand for trees - raise money within the school to support stand for trees, an organisation that protects forests, tribes and endangered animals

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