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Namjoon's POV


He catches me off guard. My phone has been snached from my hands, making me snap up my head and glare at whoever dared to do so and voila, it is none other than one of my irritating yet lovable group member who's like a younger brother to me. 

A younger brother who gets on my nerves sometimes. This doesn't mean I don't love him because I do, I consider all members of our group as my family but that also doesn't mean that they don't annoy me sometimes; all in good humor of course.

"Yah, give it back!" I manage to snatch it right back from his hands. He rolls his eyes and chuckles at me, swiping away the bangs falling in his eyes.

"What's so important in that phone that you didn't hear me calling you fifty times? Or rather, who is so important that you have been glued to your phone 24/7 these days? I know that we are taking a break right now, but still." The boy smirks at me teasingly.

"What are you talking about?" I avert my eyes from his sharp gaze, closing the message window on my phone, lest he reads it because trust me, if he gets to know something, soon every member in our group will know.

 And by soon I mean under fifteen minutes. Trust me, I've seen it happen before.

"Don't play dumb, Hyung." He rolls his eyes again as he walks up to open the fridge door in the kitchen and grab a bottle of water, "You are awake at this hour and yet you lie through your teeth? Something is surely up. And it isn't just me, others know it too."

"Ah, whatever!" I dismiss him as he eyes me while unscrewing the lid of the bottle. "Why are you up though?" I try to turn the question on him.

"Did you forget?" He chuckles, making me frown, "I've always been a night owl. And we are on vacation right now."

"Oh yes. Still, try to sleep early. Staying up late is bad for your health." I say but my gaze drifts to my phone screen when a notification pops up stating that Song Jia has replied to my message.

"Oho, look at you preaching what you don't practice hyung." He shakes his head mockingly as he stalks towards where I am currently sat, on the kitchen island, the granite slab to be precise. If Jin hyung saw me right now, he would surely kill me.

"Who are you texting?" His eyes have that familiar twinkle- wicked curiosity looming in them, making me sigh because I know how relentless he can be when he wants to know something.

"No one." I reply hastily, scrambling to hide the phone behind my back, "Do you have anything  to say to me?"

"No but I think the one who you are texting does. You phone keeps pinging." He points out, rubbing his hands together mischievously, pointing out the obvious.

"Who is it hyung? Tell me, please?" Widening his eyes dramatically, he gives me a puppy dog look but I know better than to fall prey to that cute act.

"I said it's no one!"

"Liar. Mark hyung told me you brought a girl with you to his cafe. On a date." He sing-songs the words, making me deny them at once,

"It wasn't a date! We were just hanging out as friends." The moment the words leave my mouth without consulting my brain, I know I fell in his trap as evident from his widening smirk.

"So there is someone, huh?"

Luckily, I am saved then by a very groggy Hoseok stumbling out of his room, his hair all disheveled.

"What in the world are you guys doing, up at this ungodly hour?" He grumbles under his breath, his speech a bit slurred due to him being sleepy as he rubs his eyes vigorously, "Jimin was always a vampire and now you too Joon? Ugh!"

"Sorry if we woke you up hyung." Jimin gives Hoseok a sweet grin though we all know that it was impossible for our rooms' walls are soundproof. 

What can I say, when seven guys live together, such a luxury is very much welcome.

"It was your phone ringing that woke me up you idiot! At least put it on silent! Ugh, I regret still sharing a room with you when I could've gotten a single room." 

Hoseok bestows his infamous glares at Jimin and trust me, even though fans claim he's their ball of sunshine, Hobi can be very scary when he is angry.

"Did you pick it up hyung?"

"What am I, your servant? No, I didn't pick it up." Hoseok rolls his eyes.

"Sorry hyung." Jimin sheepishly grins at Hoseok who just turns on his heel and stalks away.

"Who is calling you at this time?" I ask Jimin, curious as to who it could be.

"Probably Ji-hyun, he was arriving in Seoul today. I'll go and check." 

As Jimin saunters away, I breathe a sigh of relief and shift my focus back to texting Jia. But just when I am about to reply to her and explain that no, I am not seenzoning her and was simply interrupted by a very inquisitive and too-curious-for-his-own-good Jimin, words suddenly being whispered in my ear startles me. 

"So it's someone named Jia huh?"

"Yah, you gave me a heart attack!" I jump in my seat slightly, "Didn't you go back to your room?"

"Nope but I am going now." He pops the 'P' as he chuckles, walking backwards,

"And this conversation is far from over hyung." 

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