Hope had finally stopped crying nearly ten minutes ago, her sniffles remained, but she hadn't looked to see who the mystery person holding her was. Part of her was embarrassed, she was a Mikaelson, they don't have breakdowns in the middle of the woods. She wondered if her dad was disappointed in her, even the smallest amount, for not being as strong as he was.

"Hope," the voice whispered, she knew who it was now, which didn't help with her embarrassment.

"Hmm?" she hummed, still refusing to look up.

"It's starting to get dark, and it's a full moon tonight. We have to get back."

Dammit, Hope silently cursed. She'd forgotten it was a full moon. She slowly lifted her head up, her bloodshot blue eyes meeting clear brown ones. She sighed, feeling a wave of calm wash over her as she looked at the brunette, who was still holding her.

"You're right," she said, not attempting to get up so they could leave. Selfishly, she didn't want to. Right there, in the middle of the woods where no one had bothered them, it was like they had their own little bubble. Their own little world, and Hope didn't want to take that away.

Josie didn't move either, staring into the auburnette's eyes as she tried to will herself to get up. She wasn't sure what happened between Hope and Landon that left her crying in the woods, but she was sure she didn't want to get torn apart by her wolf classmates. Still, she made no effort to get up.

"Hope," she whispered, her eyes trailing from the girl's eyes to her lips.

Hope's eyes did the same.

"Hmm," she hummed. Hope felt butterflies flood her stomach just like they had a couple hours before, she could feel her face heating up as a blush settled.

Josie could feel her heart racing, it truly felt like it was on the verge of beating out of her chest, and her face was on fire as her cheeks reddened.

Hope started to lean in, and Josie did the same. They weren't as close as they were at the old mill when they were interrupted again, this time by something sharp and cold stabbing her in the stomach. This time it was someone far more threatening than Landon Kirby. Someone who could, and would, make their lives a living hell.

This time, it was Hope's worst nightmare. She recognized the face, she'd seen it before in a crowd of people who'd gathered to see for themselves that Klaus Mikaelson had fallen.

It was something she knew would happen eventually, one of her father's enemies coming to live out their revenge fantasies by murdering his child.

Hope hadn't realized how afraid she'd actually feel, looking into the eyes of someone who genuinely wanted to kill her, because of something her father did. She was sure her fear was also multiplied because of the siphon witch sitting next to her.

She heard a scream, she thought it was hers until she realized her mouth hadn't moved.

Her eyes shot to her right, realizing Josie could've been hurt too. Her body moved at a speed she didn't know was possible, even for vampires, as she positioned herself in front of Josie. Acting as her personal shield, her eyes scanned the brunette's, looking for any sign of injury.

Her eyes quickly landed on her shoulder, where a very deep gash that was flowing blood at an alarming rate was, then immediately behind her where a small knife laid. Her eyes traveled back to the gash, guilt consuming her again.

Josie noticed where Hope was looking and reached out to touch her cheek, retracting her hand once she noticed the dark red veins moving beneath the glowing golden eyes.

"Hope, it's okay. Breathe, okay? Just breathe," she said, trying to calm the tribrid down. She felt something poke her arm, causing her eyes to trail down to the other girl's stomach, where a shiny, and bloody, knife stuck out.

Suddenly everything else around her went silent, she couldn't even hear her own voice, though she was sure she was talking. Her hands pressed around the sides of the knife, trying to apply pressure to the wound.

Shock, that's what this is. She's going into shock.

This earned a confused look from the tribrid, who knew she was in no danger of bleeding out but still couldn't bring herself to pull out the knife, it was the only thing grounding her. The only thing keeping her from feeding from the girl she loves.

"Josie, you don't have to do that, it's okay," she said, though the siphon witch couldn't hear her. "Josie, stop."

The brunette could see the tribrid's lips moving, but she couldn't hear a single word coming out of them. She stared at the blue eyes in front of her, trying not to cry.

Hope was becoming increasingly confused as the siphon witch ignored her, noticing that Josie looked equally as confused, and scared. That was when Hope remembered the situation they were in. There was someone trying to hurt them, someone who did hurt Josie.

She had to get her out of there, she had to get her to the school. She wasn't sure she could run that far, that close to the blood, without feeding. But she had to.

"Josie," she started, putting her hands underneath the girl who was growing more pale by the second. "I'm going to pick you up, and I'm going to run, okay?"

Josie looked at her, still not hearing a single word. She wondered what she was saying. She could feel herself beginning to grow tired, her eyelids starting to feel heavy.

She felt the tribrid lift her up, the knife handle poking her in the back. She saw the tribrid's lips move again, still hearing nothing but a deafening silence. She felt wind against her face, blowing her hair, and stinging against her shoulder. She cried out in pain, not even sure if she made a sound.

She did, and Hope heard it. Neither of them knew it yet, but that sound would haunt Hope for weeks after.

Hope could see the witch's eyes closing, and yelled for her to open them, to stay awake, but the witch didn't hear her pleas.

Hope finally reached the school, kicking the doors open as she ran inside. She screamed for Dr. Saltzman, for anyone, to help.

She set Josie, who was now in and out of consciousness, on the table in front of the fireplace. She yelled for him again, not even realizing she'd gathered a crowd.

Alaric pushed his way to the front, followed by Lizzie, his face filling with fear as he realized it was his daughter who was laying limp on the table.

Lizzie screamed, immediately running to Hope. "What the hell did you do?!" She yelled accusingly. Hope's mouth went dry at the accusation, hurt that she would think she did this. She looked around, and everyone was looking at her the same way, they all thought she did it.

Lizzie's eyes fell to Hope's stomach, noticing the knife poking out.

Realization flooded her face, her eyes widening as they met Hope's again. "You didn't do it," she said.

Hope shook her head no as hot tears ran down her face. She looked down at the ground, only to notice the blood on her hands. She looked at Josie, who was still unconscious and bleeding.

The veins reappeared as the hunger grew, and some people in the crowd backed away. Hope rushed to Josie's side, kissing her forehead.

"I have to go now. I'm so sorry. You'll be okay, Josette. I promise," she whispered, earning a strange look from her father.

She took one last hungry look at the gash, then back at her face before she turned around and rushed out of the school. She yanked the knife out, no longer needing to stay grounded. She threw it to the ground as she ran towards the spot where it all happened.

She was ready to hurt whoever it was that hurt Josie. She was ready to kill them.

sorry for the wait! i've had horrible writers block. i don't think i like this chapter very much, but i can assure you that the next one will be better. thank you for reading! :)

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