Part 10

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Mahi's room

Next day in morning Mahi came from washroom after getting freshen up only to find Vi doing something on phone and keep it again on the side table and sat on the bed closing his eyes. Mahi goes to him 

Mahi(caressing his hair): what happened cheeku??? R u not feeling well baccha??

Vi(looking down): no bhai its nothing like that.

Mahi looked at him suspiciously. The behaviour of Vi was telling something is wrong. He noticed that Vi was not meeting eyes which he always do when he has to hide something. Mahi made Vi look at him by cupping his face only to find him teary eyes.

Mahi: Cheeku what happened baccha?? why r ur eyes teary?

Vi didn't said anything just hugged Mahi tightly where as Mahi held him lovingly caressing his back.

Mahi: what happened kiddo?? Did someone again said anything to u?? Tell me baccha..

Vi(mumbled) : none said anything bhai. Plzzz just let me stay like this for sometime I feel secured. 

Mahi: did I ever denied u from hugging me or snuggle to me??

Vi nodded in no 

Mahi: then?? Okk leave it tell me why were ur eyes teary??

Vi didn't said anything just snuggled to Mahi more. Mahi knew that Vi is hiding something from him but he decided not to force him, Vi himself will tell when he will be comfortable.


It was first T20 match of the series today and the players were practicing. Jinks noticed Rohit was disturbed, He went towards him as he saw him sitting alone.

Jinks: what happened Ro?? U r looking disturbed today??

Ro: Jinks actually I...I saw a night...nightmare 


Jinks side hugged him as he noticed the shake voice and asked him to continue

Flashback starts 

Two persons came from apposite direction to climb the mountain. While climbiling they became friends. Whenever 1st person fell in the way, 2nd person always comes rushing to him.

1 person: u go. I am fine here.

2 person: we started together we will end it together (forwarding his hand for help) now come and remember I will always be with u .

After sometime 2nd person foot got stuck between the stones. Suddenly they saw a big stone was coming rolling towards them.

2nd person: u will help me. right?? 

1 person didn't said anything and started going towards his aim ignoring all the pleads of 2nd one after sometime he heard the loud scream of 2nd person, he turned only to find 2nd person crushed under the stone completely lifeless. 

Ro woke up screaming 

Flashback ends

Ro was all sweaty even at the mention of that dream

Jinks( rubbing his back) :calm down Ro. It was just a nightmare, just a bad dream forget about it.

Ro(teary) :it was just a nightmare right??

Jinks nodded: yeah just a nightmare (in mind) but seems more real than reality itself.

Mahi's room

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