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The backyard to Tony and Loki's cabin is fully decked out in light reds and light purples--the colors they chose to represent the genders of the baby because they didn't want to do the stereotypical pink and blue. Red for a boy and purple for a girl. Red to demonstrate the color of Tony's armor. Purple to represent royalty like Loki. Streamers of both colors hang from every post on the balcony and every lamppost out back. Red and purple balloons are tied together and weighted to keep from flying away. There's a huge buffet table that people are lingering around full of stereotypical boy and girl foods--everything salty for boys, everything sweet for girls--and, of course, all in red or purple packaging. There's a few cakes decorated in both colors as well. There's a huge banner attached to the roof of the cabin reading: "Business Suits or Princess Dresses?" in the same red and purple coloring. Tony and Loki chose the phrasing but assured everyone that regardless of gender, they'd let their child wear whatever they wanted. All the guests are either wearing light reds or light purples depending on what they believe the baby will be. All except Natasha, Bruce, and Peter who are wearing black shirts. Bruce's and Natasha's say "Keeper of the Gender" in red and purple print whereas Peter's (who's wearing a borrowed pair of Bruce's purple shorts to keep with the theme) says "Either way it goes--I'm the Big Bro". He thought it was funny when he found it online. A small chalkboard rests on an end table towards the door to the cabin, a list of tallies depicting what everyone thinks the baby will be (just to keep score). Cans of silly string are lined up on a different table in the corner. Perfectly hidden so no one gets curious before they're supposed to.

Tony and Loki are standing in the center of everything, watching as everyone mingles with each other or eats the refreshments. A smile appears on Loki's face as she finds Peter talking with Frigga, his arms going all over the place as he enthusiastically discusses something with her. Probably Star Wars. Knowing him, it's probably about how Jane and Padme look so similar. He's been wanting to tell another Asgardian about Star Wars since Loki finally comprehended everything (or at least enough to hold a conversation). Tony snorts as he spots Clint and Wanda arguing about how 'they switched colors'. She mockingly flips him the bird before walking away to go find Natasha. Bruce and Thor are chatting in the far corner, a bit closer than Tony would expect them to be. Maybe Thor's finally come to his senses and is asking Bruce out. Maybe it's the opposite way. Who knows. Steve, Bucky, and Sam, all wearing red (what a contrast from what they normally wear), are talking by the buffet table, plates of both salty and sweet foods in their hands. Pietro's running around after Red Wing that Sam brought with him.

They, as in Tony and Loki, are wearing contradicting colors. Their colors. Not because they wanted to keep with the color scheme they created but because they really do think the child is the color they're sporting. Loki's taunted him all afternoon--saying he's in the wrong and he clearly isn't a genius for even believing the baby's a boy for one second. He's taunted her back but hasn't meant much by it. After all, most people are wearing red anyway so he's not the only one that was "stupid" enough to wear it. The only people wearing purple are Loki (of course), Frigga, Wanda, and Peter.

He wraps his arm around Loki's waist, pulling her close. She rests her head in the crook of his neck, nuzzling into his chest. "So much for us being the guests of honor," he jokes. Loki hums with mild interest. They aren't really the guests of honor. The baby is but they're just their place holder. Tony lets out a breath before saying, "Bruce and Nat really out did themselves." Loki nods, her eyes scanning around at the decorations.

"They thought of everything," she adds. "And then some." He nods along. She shakes her head in disbelief. "It's crazy." Tony continues to nod. She turns around in his arms and drapes hers around his neck, a lazy smile on her face as she begins to sway them from side to side. He holds her hips, smiling along. "And to think this started out as me not knowing what to get you for your birthday." He laughs, throwing his head back a little.

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