After cleaning your room, which was already shining clean at this point, and after showering, you went back down and gave lana, the register, a liyue specialty dish, that you cooked with xiangling, she smiled and hugs you, telling you a welcome back as you thank her. You start walking to the cathedral, hoping to see barbara, in which you instead found a seemingly new nun, and chatted with her after she said barbara was on a practice. Her name was rosaria, she had a pale skin, and magenta eyes which pierced through your e/c-ones. At first, she didn't feel like chatting with you, but ofcourse you knew how to deal with seemingly cold and emotionless people. You chatted with her nonetheless and brought up some interesting topics, in which intrigued rosaria and ended up talking and asking about it. After a while, she had to go for a choir, in which she groaned at and complained, you laugh at her and encourage her, the pale woman giving you a thanks. But before she could walk away, you grabbed her wrist and gave her one of liyue's dishes, in which she denied but her stomach betrayed the woman, the nun blushing in embarassment as you giggled. You gave her another one, telling her to give it to barbara as she nods. Both of you wave and start walking away, you heading for the knights of favonius headquarters.

You immediately went to the library, hiding behind the door as you heard the stupid cavalry captain pass by. You heard his footsteps less and less, sighing in relief, not noticing the librarian eyeing your body shamelessly. After a few minutes, you finally snapped your eyes open, only to see a certain witch on the other side of the library, eyeing you as she sent you a wink and you playfully roll your eyes before running and giving her a tight hug. You gave lisa a bouquet of cecilias and her favorite vegetable soup, as she giggles.

"I missed you, cutie," she whines as she playfully pulls you to sit on her lap.

"What if i don't?" you raise your brows as hers furrow. You felt a mix of pain and ticklish feeling on your thigh, only to realize she apparently shocked you with her lightning. You shivered.

"I was kidding. I missed you too pretty girl," you playfully roll your eyes as you play with her hair. You two stay like that for awhile, till you had to go and see jean. Lisa apparently didn't want you to, as she gripped on your wrist and pull you back on a hug.

"Babe, i have to go see my dandelion baby," you tell her as she shakes her head, hugging you tighter. She didn't mind you calling her nicknames, and you didn't mind her calling you nicknames. She's that one friend who almost flirts with everyone. You didn't notice but she'd flirt a lot more with you.

"You're warm."

You took off your jacket infront of the witch, t̶h̶e̶ ̶b̶r̶u̶n̶e̶t̶t̶e̶ ̶p̶e̶e̶k̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶c̶o̶l̶l̶a̶r̶b̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶n̶e̶c̶k̶,̶ ̶l̶i̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶l̶i̶p̶s̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶e̶y̶e̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶r̶s̶o̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶,̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶w̶h̶i̶c̶h̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶i̶c̶e̶. You put your jacket on her, the woman didn't protest as she made herself comfy with it.

"Ill visit you later or tomorrow," you spoke as you kiss her cheek, waving to her as she blows you a kiss, and you pretend to catch it and place it on your cheek.

You finally arive at jean's office. Hearing that it was silent, you decide to barge in, jean flinching and about to grab her sword, but calmed down once she sees the familiar h/c-hair color. She smiles and stops her work for now, and you engulf her into a hug.

"Greetings, y/n, welcome back. How were you? You've grown a bit taller than my sister now huh," she laughs as you widened your eyes. Barbara's going to force you to tell her what you ate and how to get taller again. After seeing your nervous expression, jean chuckled.

"Are you okay, y/n?"

You snap back to reality, waving your arms around as you tell her you've been fine and that your cooking skills had improved. Insert a bit of stuttering.

Remembering your gift, you pulled out something from your pocket and gave it to jean. It was a pendant watch. When she opened it, it revealed a watch with a dandelion as the background. She opened it again but this time it showed a picture of jean herself, laughing while barbara was bonking your head with a stick. She smiled, hugging you again. Then suddenly you remember your favorite maid.

"Jean, have you seen noelle?"

She sits back down as she tells you that the maid was on windrise, working out. You thank the blonde as you told her you'd go and see noelle. She nods and waves at you as you tell her a don't over work yourself before leaving.

Jean was right. Noelle was literally doing her pushups even tho it was afternoon. You sneaked up to her and covered her eyes, her going into a state of panic as she tries to remove your hand, till she feels the texture of your hand.

"Grandmaster jean?" Her brows furrowed. All she knows that jean had a boney, a bit veiny hand. You pout. You remove your hand, quickly moving infront of her as you straddle her lap.

"Forgetting about me now?"

Noelle's eyes widen as she saw you. Everyday, she's always go looking for you, if you came back but she stopped hoping after a year of you not coming back. Her eyes tears up as she hugs you, burying her head on your shoulder. You chuckle as you hug back, your other hand stroking her head. After the silver haired maid calmed down, you decided to speak up.

"How were you, noelle?"

She looks back up at you, admiring how you became much more prettier. After you felt piercing eyes stare at you, you also look back at her, raising your brow as you fought back the urge to smirk. Poor noelle took a few minutes before realizing she stared for too long, her face heating up as her ears became light red. You laugh at her, while she covers her face in embarassment. You heard a faint 'i-im doing good,' before she fell into silence, urging a silent what about you?

"I've been excelling on cooking," you started, twirling a strand of her hair in your fingers, "xiangling and i almost burnt down a kitchen", you laugh as her green orbs widen. She immediately starts to check if you have any injuries, and sighed in relief when she didn't find any.

"Be careful next time," she mumbles.

After a few hugging sessions there, both of you went around mondstadt, you helping her slaughter hilichurls, smashing her claymore onto them as you help by swinging your spear. She also helped you gather the ingredients for xiangling. You didn't notice it, but she kept glancing back at you from time to time.

Both of you were laying in bed, cuddling each other as both of you were in matching pjs. Noelle had a gray pj with a knight hat design, while yours was a f/c with a crown design. The both of you were talking about random things, how you and xiangling would go to crazy places just to get a single ingredient, until the maid noticed a girl outside who can't open a jar. She was about to get up, but you noticed just in time and straddled her again, the maid's emerald orbs widening as her face goes redder than the rose in her hair.

"Noelle, you don't have to help people with the simplest problems. Im sure they can solve it on their own. Relax," you mumble as she slowly leans back down, sighing.

She took a look on the girl outside-

The girl, who struggled to open a jar, threw it instead and picked up the remainings inside, as you and the maid sweatdropped. Maybe she should've helped her...

Soon enough, the both of you fell asleep, without eating dinner and with you sleeping ontop of a maid. You're sure noelle's reaction would be priceless.

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