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Format: oneshot

Character: noelle from genshin impact


You and noelle have not seen each other for a long time. The last time you did saw each other, was her sending you a wave as tears prick in her eyes as she send you back to liyue. You'd wave back to her, giving her a soft smile before continuing to walk forward. Not looking back, you fought the urge to cry then and there. The month you spent in mondstadt was absolutely refreshing. Especially when you met a stubborn but caring maid of the knights of the favonius. It was inspiring how she tries hard to be a knight, but you couldn't help but worry about her. The silver haired maid would always help and work to her extent and try to bring out her best that it scares you. Ofcourse you were there to stop her from possibly draining her whole energy out her body, but now you were in liyue. Its been years since you went back. And you were thinking about going again.

"Hellooo? HELLO? Y/N GET ME THE (LAMB) SAUCE!" xiangling shouts as you snap out of your daydream and hurried to get the sauce. You hand it to her as she concentrates back onto making a good dish. You watch her as she jabs the literal meat as she covers it. You grab her towel with a stitch of gouba, her pet, on the upper right corner of the towel. It was your gift to her on her birthday, and you could tell it was her favorite towel. You grab her chin softly and lift it up. You didn't notice but her face was slowly warming up, at how charming you looked as you wipe her sweat with the towel softly.

"Xiang, calm down, you're being too stressed. Breathe in, breathe out," you calm her down as she does, breathing in and out, before smiling and nodding and thanking you before going back to her dishes happily.

You were not gonna lie, (thats sus/jk) her being too concentrated reminds you of the maid. And you internally slap yourself from being distracted again. The first time you got distracted by xiangling's pet, gouba, and fed him something, not realizing it was spicy, gouba was breathing fire as you and xiangling ran around, screeching as you both tried to calm gouba down, xingqiu and chongyun watching chaos go down on that one dark corner. Both of you didn't even realized they were there.

"Xiang,, im thinking of having a vacation at mondstadt again," you mumble as you chop a few ingredients.

"Huh? Cool! Then if you do, please do get me a few ingredients there," she chuckles nervously. "Aheheh, o-ofcourse only if you want to! If you don't want to then its fine-"

"Calm down xiang, ofcourse i'd fetch you some," you laugh as you see her nervous expression wash away and she makes a relieved face. She turns to face you, with crocodile tears as she hugs you tightly, wailing on your shoulder as she mumbles out thank you's and i love you's. And you just snicker and hug her back.

Came the day you take off for mondstadt. Xiangling gave you a list of mondstadt ingredients to get for her. Xingqiu gave you one of his books, telling you to better read it and take care of it, and chongyun giving you his popsicles. You wave them bye, as you playfully blow a kiss for them, and the three pretended to steal it, chongyun 'getting' the kiss and xiangling trying to steal it from him. You laugh as you facepalm, continuing your journey.

You were currently in dragonspine. Fighting a few hilichurls as one shoots your strong ass right forehead. It didn't hurt much, but it was practically bleeding at this point. You wondered if you were a kamado. Anyways, after fighting those little bitches, you stopped near land, and just put a tent there and slept.

Morning came in a flash. You made a bandage and wrapped it on your forehead, ate a sunsettia and an apple, and continued. Seeing mondstadt without a change, you smiled knowing it was safe. You greeted the guards, who saluted back as you walk in. Immediately running to the same old apartment you used to live, you paid the register and went up to your usual room, seeing the room with no change, you were happy. Except it was pretty dusty, so you reminded yourself to clean. Mostly when you visited mondstadt, you would go here immediately, and the register named lana became your friend, and reserved that room for you and you only. You pick up a broom, and start sweeping the floor.

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