Chapter 6

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Finally 🎉💃💃💃, "It's Not You" ends here.

Thanks to the super readers for not getting tired to read.


The next day, Mrs. Juliana was taken to court and Natalya stood at the deck as a witness against Juliana, she was asked to swear before the court to speak the truth about the whole issue. She started speaking soberly with tears streaming down her eyes; the whole court room was silent listening to what she had to say’

She explained the whole issue to the court house, stating honestly that Mrs. Juliana was her stepmom who maltreated her and used her to gain more wealth.

She furthermore explained how she absconded from the house when Mrs. Juliana tried to kill her after meeting her on bed with her manlover and as well explained what made her abscond from Maggi's house because she was under life threat.

She let the whole court know that she left the house with Mrs. juliana's car that worths several millions.

After making all of these confessions to the court house, before the judge passed his verdict, she looked at Maggi's and her Son and said soberly to them:
“I’m so sorry for what I’m about to say. When I had the accident that Maggie helped me, I thought that was all, I thought I’d never survive it, but bad enough I survived, I wished I died in that auto crash, so I had to pretend not remembering any of my past, I had to pretend for all these months I’ve been living with you because I was so scared of my past, I wanted to start a new life, I’m sorry Maggie, I never had amnesia, I only pretended to be suffering from one since the doctor mistake my diagnosis, I’m sorry Maggie” She said sobbing greatly.

Everyone at the court room was surprised at what Natalya said, she only played along to be suffering from amnesia since the doctor mistakingly diagnosed her as one suffering from such.

Maggie looked down so disappointed she felt so betrayed; she picked up her purse and left the court room…Natalya cried and pleaded for mercy, she asked Daniel to beg his mother to forgive her

She left the witness box and went to sit right beside Daniel; he was still kind enough to pet her while she cried, she pleaded for mercy from Daniel but he didn't ulter a word.

The judge  gave his judgment. Mrs. Juliana was found guilty and sentenced to six years jail term since her lawyer couldn't get enough proof in defense of her; Natalya was also sentenced to spend a year in jail and to pay some certain amount of money for faking a health status.

Natalya thought only Juliana will be persecuted unknowing to her that she would also have to pay for what she did…Everyone then dismissed from the court house after the judge had passed his final verdicts.


Months came and go, date counts and Natalya was released from prison, she gained total freedom. She was free from the torment of her past, she began to live her life freely and not in pretence. She travelled back home and took possession of her late father’s document which was with Mrs. Juliana, she was made the rightful owner of her parents company. She placed someone she trusted to watch over her father's company for her as she has decided to go back to Daniel and his family.

She boarded a flight all the way to relocate and be with Daniel and Maggie, on her arrival to the airport; Daniel came along with some workers at the motel to welcome Natalya they were all happy to see her again, she shed tears of joy, she wasn't expecting them to still love her despite knowing she wasn’t faithful to them but Maggie wasn’t with them and that got her really worried.

She was scared of going over to see Maggie because she thought Maggie was still mad at her, ever since she stepped out from the court room, she never heard from Maggi or seen her, she knew she hasn’t been forgiven.

On getting home, Daniel opened the door for her and helped her take her luggages in. The whole house was quiet, nobody was at home, till the motel workers along with Daniel took her blindfoldedly to the garden, and it was the greatest surprise ever when the veil was taken off from her eyes…Maggie arranged the garden to throw a surprise welcome party for Natalya…It became one of her most happy moment when Maggie hugged her and told her she was only waiting for her arrival to tell her she was never mad at her.

Natalya cried for joy and they all celebrated her arrival with plenty to eat and drink, that was absolutely one of her happy moment ever. 


Few months after her wedding with Daniel, she was confirmed pregnant, Maggie’s love for Natalya never ceased and she never mentioned of her past to her.

Her character and behaviour was a clear definition of love and that of Daniel was derived from Maggie’s total act of kindness.

She knew that her past was never a better her, it doesn’t determines her future. Her past wasn't who she really is, knowing it's just a phase of her life that led her to who she is.

After narrating the story of my past life to my cotenants, they cried and at same time thankful for helping them, the groom-to-be promised not to cancel the wedding again but to show love to his fiancée, they  left my house filled with joy.

I was happy knowing I helped someone and that my past is the reason why I show love more, learned to forgive at all time and never to be judgmental because my past was never who I am but my today is.

Thanks for reading through till the last episode of "It's Not You" I hope you enjoyed your reading.

Q$A are open and be expecting a new story from me "Scars To Your Beauty",

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