. happy endings

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my last: italic dialogues means it's in japanese 😭

have a nice read <3


Two weeks later, Han is discharged from the hospital and is able to, finally, go home.

Not home, home.

Home...Fukumi's house.

Call it his new home.

Nishinoya prepared everything for his daughter and her boyfriend.

Airplane tickets.




They need to leave in order to escape Takashi.

"I gather everything you asked for, that day." Nishinoya tells them.


"Pa, we're gonna need your help."

"Anything for my family."

"I need you to prepare two bags with some clothes and some money. USD, please. And use Han's money to buy two airplane tickets to Brazil...and buy one for you. Leave Japan for some time."

"I'm on it. But I won't leave Japan princess."

"Why not?"

"Because I have to be home for when my family arrives." he smiled.

"F-family?" She stutters.

"Mm, yes."


"What the actual hell are you doing?" Neela approaches, raising  her voice.

"I'm...closing the shop...for Han...?" Kanami answers, confused.

"Nah. You're leaving town! You're leaving Japan! Why are you doing this?!" Neela's voice tone hurts Kanami.

"I...Takashi still wants us dead Nee. We aren't safe here. At least until the rest of the gang is still here."

"I can protect you. WE can protect both of you." a tear rolls down her cheek. "Just...don't leave me here alone..."

"Hey...Hey..." Kanami runs to her friend. "I won't leave you. I'll never leave you, okay?"

Neela nods.

"Consider this a vacation. A honeymoon or something." Kanami hugs her friend.

"I'll be back."

Han's shop is closed, the bags are in her car, they said goodbye or see you soon to their friends and family.

It's time for them to go...

"Ya! Han!" They hear a voice coming from behind them.


Riko doesn't say anything else, and grabs the gun that was hidden between his shirt and trousers.

The couple holds hands and simply hopes for the best but this is it.

They're about to die.

Han and Kanami look at each other, stare at each other.

"I think...I love you." Han whispers.

Kanami chuckles. "What took you so long?"

"I wish I knew." He answers.

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