. jealously or love?

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warning: smut alert 🚨

||| play media when i say ;) |||


They enter Han's garage, Kanami still being trapped inside his arms.

"Up." He whispers to Kanami's ear.

They go up the stairs and Sean is still looking mesmerised at the motorcycles and the cars that were parked around the shop.

Han grabs a bottle of champagne and two glasses. One for him and one for Kanami.

"The red Evo's yours."

Sean looks back and instantly smiles at the beauty of the car.

From the upper floor, one of the girls whispers something to Han, that makes him laugh.

"Yah. Hore." She looks at her. "Wanna leave my man alone or you need help?"

Han got surprised with the younger's action and couldn't help but to smirk.

The girl looks at him, an "is she serious?" look on her face.

"You've heard her. I'm her man."

"I'm talking to you both, by the way. Leave. Go find some other stick to plug in."

The ladies eyed her, a superior look on both of their faces, and they walk back to the club.

Han looks at her but before he could say a thing, Sean speaks.

"What do you mean?"

He smirks at Kanami.

"You're representing me now." Han answers, putting his arm around Kanami's low waist area. "What you think, I'm gonna let you roll in a Hyundai?"

Kanami chuckles and starts walking, bringing Han along with her.

Han guides Kanami to the door that's placed inside his office. The "master bedroom", call it like that.

It's really simple. Minimalistic.

Han's face actually.



Definitely not how Kanami feels right now.

Her heartbeat is frenetic.

Her mind is thinking about hundreds of thoughts. Each one hotter then the millisecond ago one.

And the way Han was looking at her, devouring her, while he was serving the champagne only made her mind and heart spin.

Sort of like a drift race.

"You look tense." He murmurs.

"Pft. Nah...it's the alcohol. Ahm...entering my ahm...system. Yeah..."

"If you don't mind my question..." Han wonders.

Kanami nods, accepting. But also knowing what was going to be asked.

"You're a virgin. Aren't you?" His eyes run down her body.

And Kanami feels her whole body heat up. She's burning. She wants him.

She needs him.

Therefore, she takes the attitude.

"Not for long." She whispers and walks straight into him.

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