Chapter 23 : Success in Sacrifices

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[Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, Sky of Imperial Palace]

Thirty minutes had passed, the Cobra Pilot and Commander Ayze continued clashing in the air. This is arguably the newest breathtaking aerial dog-fight since World War II. The only difference - Wyvern against an Attack Helicopter.

The Pilot of AH - 90 Ultra Cobra knew this was a Suicide Mission after leaving the rest of his squadron. He checked his fuel and ammunition supply - it was almost on the red.

Commander Ayze persisted on chasing the Cobra Pilot as he continued evading the barrage of bullets and missiles. The Pilot couldn't do anything. He stood up from his Wyvern and gathered Mana from his surroundings.

The Cobra Pilot didn't miss this opportunity and immediately fired at the Commander but was deflected by its strong Barrier Magic. Commander Ayze raised his hand and the Imperial Dragon Airforce charged towards the Pilot.

"Charge! Don't let him take a break!"

"For the Empire!" The Imperial Dragon Airforce's Wyverns flapped their wings and charged towards the Attack Helicopter.

"I see, so this is the end" The Cobra Pilot noticed that he can't overturn the battle.

One against Seven hundred - he was too outnumbered. The Pilot gave a smile while reminiscing about his comrades and pressed the Self Destruct Button.

"What is that?" The Civilians looked up at the sky searching for the sudden loud bang, as the powerful explosion shook the whole Imperial City.

The Wyvern struggled from the blast when the Attack Helicopter blew unable to withstand the explosion. It's try to managed to control its altitude. The rider was exasperated as well, sweats slowly dropped down from his cheeks.

Commander Ayze also fell from his Wyvern, but he was able to gather enough mana to strengthen his Barrier and only got a few bruises. The he last thing he heard was the cry of Dragon Riders turning to ashes from the intense heat.

"Damn...that was anticlimatic" He didn't expect the Pilot would choose sacrificing himself rather than being caught alive. Was it the difference in morals? Or was it the difference in determination. But, after all that struggle, he knew that fight took a lot of courage and he respected his enemy after that. It may not look much to others, but this left a deep impression.

"Your country does that posture right? As a sign of respect, I salute" Commander Ayze lifted his arms despite the bruises he got. He looked at the sky and gave a salute, so he can remember one of the bravest warriors he had fought


[Imperial Capital, Sierra Torre, Near West-Port]

The Cobra Pilots saluted at once when the signal of their leader was lost from the radar. Ambassador Jonathan clenched his fist, many have died because of a misunderstanding.

Clara was sitting on the Attack Helicopter. She didn't understand why the Pilots did that and looked at the crystal clear glass. She and the loyal nobles were shocked at the Giant Metal Warship without sails.

They were impressed at the Attack Helicopter but more amazed by the beauty of the MDC Battleship. They understood the concept of the ship more than the strange flyers.

"What is that Giant Metal Warship?" Duke Carmaine asked as he looked from the glass. He was curious about how it was keeping afloat on sea.

"That is the Modern Dreadnought-Class Battleship named Ares" Ambassador Jonathan gave a seemingly forced reply. He was still thinking about the incident.

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