Chapter 1 - Ludricrum

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~ 1971 ~

Black Family Manor, London

Sirius Black stiffened as a few drops of the man's blood spattered across the hem of his pants. Next to him, Regulus flinched, eyes fixed resolutely on his feet. Sirius slid an arm around his brother's slim shoulders, ignoring the barely suppressed shakes he could feel.

"Walburga," their father commanded harshly, gesturing towards his wife with a wave of his wand.

Walburga smiled sharply, and Sirius swore he saw a glint of madness in his mother's eyes. He watched with rising apprehension as his mother levelled her own wand at the huddled form, cackling, "Crucio!"

The man wailed in agony as his limbs contorted, stretching beyond his head, joints popping out of his sockets as he writhed on the floor. When his shudders and whimpers finally stopped, Walburga Black strode forward, grasping his chin in her long fingernails.

"I'll ask you one more time," she breathed. "Where. Are. Our. Galleons?"

"Please," the man snivelled, "Please, Madam Black, I-"

"Orion, dear," Walburga intoned dully, as if she wasn't asking her husband to perform an Unforgivable curse.

Sirius' father raised his wand once again, glee painted clearly on his features. He opened his mouth, ready to deliver the spell.

"No!" The man sobbed. "Wait- wait, I'll tell you. Just please, don't do that again."

Walburga nodded sharply. "Wand down, Orion. Let us hear what this man has to say."

"They took it," the man gasped. "I don't have the galleons, I swear. It was- they were a group of wizards. They called themselves the Whires."

Sirius' mother's expression didn't change, but she leaned backwards, apparently satsified. "Kreacher," she called loudly, addressing the Black family's house elf. "Help this gentleman to the door. Then come over here and clean up this blood!"

The hunched house elf appeared, shriveled fingernails disturbingly long as they reached for the man's sleeve. Sirius watched as Kreacher hauled the man up by the forearm with surprising grace, dragging him towards the main hall.

Once the man and Kreacher were both gone, Sirius relaxed. He hugged Regulus closer, feeling the way his brother curled into his side.

"-shall we do about the galleons?" His mother was saying.

"Don't worry, dear," His father answered, setting his wand down on the marble side table with a soft clink. "We can go get them ourselves after we send Sirius off to Hogwarts."

Walburga looked sideways, seemingly just remembering her two sons were in the room with her. "Sirius," she said. "I expect you to well at Hogwarts, do you understand? Set a good example for your brother. And for God's sake, make Slytherin proud."

"Yes, Mum," Sirius said dutifully.

"Have you packed your trunk yet?" His father asked.

Sirius shook his head.

"Well, what are you waiting for, boy? You leave in two days. Go now."

Sirius turned and started his way up the grand stairway, trailing his fingers over the banisters. He heard the pitter-patter of socked feet following behind him, and he didn't need to look to know it was Regulus.

"Hold on," Orion bellowed. "Regulus, where are you going?"

Regulus paused, mouth open, unsure of what to say. Sirius was sure that his brother didn't want to stay in the main hall, with their parents discussing possible murder and the man's blood still smeared across the marble tiles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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