Chapter 7: Work Day

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Rory's POV
*1 month and 2 weeks later*
I am officially 5 months pregnant! This pregnancy is flying by. I get to find out the gender at my next check up, I am super excited. I am thankful I no longer have any morning sickness. I am officially done writing my book! Jess and I are currently working on editing Chapter 7 today. We're meeting at Luke's so we can eat and work at the same time. We've been meeting there for the past two weeks snd I can tell we're annoying Luke by taking up a few of his tables so we have space. The whole town knows about my pregnancy now and Kirk is constantly coming up to me asking me weird questions about it. I like when Jess is there because Kirk is kind of afraid of him and he'll scare him off for me.
"Hey Luke, Hey Jess" I said as I sat down at our usual spot.
"Hey Rory and baby with no name, lets get crackin on that book of yours" Jess said with a smile.
"Okay Chapter 7 is where I am at a low in my life, I dropped out of yale, am not speaking to my mom, being the DAR, and doing community service for my lovely felony. Not such a fun chapter." I stated clearly being self deprecating.
"Well I actually like this chapter" Jess stated.
"You only like it because you're the hero and convince me to get my life together, always saving the day Super Jess" I giggled.
"No, it's not just that, it's that we get to see you rise from the ashes. You go from having a really hard time to turning it all around in this chapter. I think that's what makes it such a good one" Jess said seriously. We joked around a lot, but in this moment he was serious which is how I knew he really meant it.
"Thank you, I just hate looking back at myself when I was at a low point, but I guess you're right I got
out of it." I replied with a smile. We sat and edited for hours. I didn't even notice it get dark because we were so focused. Luke kept food rolling out for us. I think me being pregnant made Luke really nervous about me not eating enough. I ate enough on my own and now my appetite has just doubled. Finally around 7pm we finished editing Chapter 7. We finished the night off with a cup of coffee and talked for a little while. At the end of the night Jess walked me home because it was dark and he didn't want me
walking alone, even though it was only Stars Hollow. We walked back to my house and I could tell my mom wasn't home because there was no trashy reality tv or hallmark movies blasting.
"Nice work today Gilmore, I think we really nailed this chapter" Jess said proudly.
"It's a good one definitely. Thank you for all your help again it means so much. This book wouldn't be where it is without you, or even existing because you gave me the idea to write it. So what I'm trying to say is—".
*Everything goes blank, Rory passes out on her porch*

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