Chapter 2: The Dance

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Jess' POV
During the ceremony, I noticed Rory was crying. I was worried about her so I asked if she was okay. She said she was, but I am not too sure, she cried a lot. Even with tears in her eyes I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she is. Being around her made me feel like a teenager again, especially seeing her in that dress. I couldn't stop thinking about our first kiss at Sookie's wedding. I had waited so long for that kiss. Anyways, this is Luke and Lorelai's wedding, I need to think about them not Rory. Now that I am thinking about Luke all I can think about is what he said to me yesterday. He asked me if I was over Rory. That moment began replaying in my head. When Rory ran out to me to tell me she had started writing her book and grabbed my jacket, I was absolutely mesmerized by her. She's so beautiful and kind. It just brought back all the memories from when we were dating. I felt like we had a moment, but I am probably crazy it's been so long since we dated. But, I think Luke noticed it too. I think that's why he asked me if I was over her. I told him I was, but I honestly don't know if I am or if I ever will be. How do you get over a girl like her? Suddenly, I realize Luke is staring at me waiting for the rings. I must've zoned out, I quickly grabbed them and handed them to him. A few moments later they were pronounced husband and wife and everyone clapped and cheered. I was happy the boring part was over and now comes the reception. I walked over to my assigned seat and was happily surprised to see I was seated next to Rory.
"Hello Stranger" I said to her as we both took a seat.
"Fancy meeting you here, who are you here for the bride or the groom?" she said with a laugh.
"Oh just a distant relative of the groom, we don't really talk much, I'm just here for the free food and booze" we both laughed because we knew that was far from the truth. Luke and Lorelai came out and had their first dance. I held back laughter at my uncle who clearly had no dancing abilities. When they finished their dance Luke gestured for everyone to pick up their champagne glasses as he gave a toast. I noticed Rory was ignoring her glass just holding some water. I leaned over and whispered to her.
"What no champagne?"
"I told you the doctor told me to cut back, well now I am finally listening" she said with a laugh. I still thought it was kind of odd, but I didn't think anything of it. The DJ started playing upbeat music and all the crazy town folks started dancing on the dance floor. I turned to Rory to talk. We sat and talked about anything and everything for hours. It felt like old times again. Before we knew it, food was sitting in front of us. Rory devoured her food completely just like she used to. I was always impressed by how much she could eat.
"So how has your love life been?" Rory asked.
"Well let's see either short, boring, or nonexistent" I replied.
"I can't believe that" She started to say.
"I can" I said as I interrupted her.
"No really I can't, you're a total catch, you're successful, funny, smart, not to mention handsome" she replied.
"Oh so you think I'm handsome?" I said with a grin.
"Maybe" she replied with flushed cheeks. I could tell she was a little embarrassed to be saying that.
"Well I know you'll find the perfect girl" she stated.
"I'm not too sure about that, I am 32, I'm running out of time" I shrugged.
"You're wrong" she said with confidence and a sweetness in her eyes.
"I hope so" I replied. Suddenly I heard a slow song begin to play.
"Rory Gilmore, may I have this dance?" I asked.
"You may" she said with a smile. I could tell I surprised her with that question. I offered my hand to her to lead her to the dance floor. Feeling her hand in mine really gave me deja vu. We walked hand in hand to the dance floor and I pulled her in close. It felt so natural and so right to be holding her as we swayed back and forth. I had one hand on her waist and one intertwined with her hand as we gazed into each other's eyes. Those big blue eyes get me every time. She leaned her head against my chest, it all felt so right.
"You know what this feels like?" I asked.
"What?" Rory replied.
"This feels like the prom dance we never got to have" I said.
"I was so mad at you for that, Thanks for finally making up for it" she said with a smile.
"Anytime Gilmore, anytime" I replied. I don't know if it was the booze or what, but I felt a sudden burst of confidence and spun Rory out and into my arms.
"Where did you learn those moves?" Rory giggled.
"I saw them on dancing with the stars" I replied with a laugh. As the song came to an end I pulled her in and slowly dipped her. Our eyes were locked onto each other's. It's like the world around us disappeared, like it was just Rory and I. In that moment I felt myself wanting to kiss her, like the way I used to. I leaned in a little, but then the DJ cut to an upbeat song which brought us both back to reality. We walked back to our table and talked for the rest of the night. At the end of the night we all sent Luke and Lorelai off on their honeymoon. It was late so I walked Rory back to her house. Even though it was just Stars Hollow, I still felt like it was the right thing to do. We walked, talked, laughed, and reminisced as we headed to her house. We stood on her front porch and talked some more.
"You really were quite the dancer tonight, I have to say I was impressed." Rory declared.
"I'm happy to see I can still surprise you Gilmore" we both chuckled.
"Hey it's late, do you want to come in for some coffee" Rory asked me.
"Definitely" I replied.

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