Chapter 5: He Knows

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Jess' POV
Rory and I have had the perfect night. It felt like things were finally falling into place, I have waited to be with her since we were just a couple of teenagers in love. I have wanted this for so long and it felt like the time was finally right. I felt confident after she snuggled up on my chest in the carriage ride that if I kissed her, she would be happy about it. We had spent everyday together for the past two months and there was never the right moment for me to kiss her until tonight. The kiss was magic, like no time has passed at all. However Rory abruptly pulled away and I didn't understand why.
"Jess I'm Pregnant" Rory blurted out. I froze, my mind was going a million miles a minute. Was this a joke? No, she wouldn't joke about that. Did she have a boyfriend I didn't know about? Who was she sleeping with? How long has she known? Did she even have feelings for me? Or was it all in my head? I realized I had been standing there looking like a deer in headlights for too long, I needed to say something.
"What?" that is all I could think of saying in this moment.
"I know you're probably really confused, just please let me explain it all to you" Rory said.
"Okay" I sighed.
"I'm embarrassed to say it, but this past year I was having an affair with Logan—" Rory said nervously before I interrupted.
"Logan?! That blonde dick from yale?? Rory I thought he was in the past" I said in disappointment.
"He was, until I ran into him in London and it turned into this whole thing and needless to say, I messed up. We said our goodbyes 3 months ago. I haven't seen or spoken to him since. I am 3 months pregnant, I am not telling him about the baby. I think the baby will be better off without the drama of separate parents." Rory explained. I stood there, once again looking like a deer in headlights.
"Please say something Jess" Rory pleaded.
"I don't know what to say..." I whispered while pacing around her porch. "So you've been pregnant all this time, and never thought to tell me? It's not like you didn't have the chance when we spent every day together for the past two months." I stated.
"I know Jess, I am so sorry I just didn't know how to tell you. And to be honest, I didn't want to. Things have been going so well between us, I just didn't want to ruin it" Rory expressed.
"So you let me kiss you and then tell me? I'm sorry Rory, I just need a minute of space. I really thought you had feelings for me again and that maybe this time we would make it work." I said clearly upset by the situation.
"I do have feelings for you Jess, that's why I didn't want to tell you." Rory replied.
"I just. I just need to take a step back for a minute. I think it's best if we just go back to being friends and focusing on getting this book published" I stated.
"If that's what you want Jess" Rory responded.
"It's what I want." I said. "Goodnight Rory". I walked away and went home, which for right now was Luke's old apartment. I felt terrible. I didn't even know what to think or feel, this whole situation was so frustrating. I don't know where to go from here....

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