(Note: SCP 2264-6 is the physical representation of the tree of life that birth ancient God's of enormous power. Though she is considered 'young' and has not developed all her abilities as similar beings this dose not mean SCP 2264-6 is not dangerous.)

Description: SCP 2264-6 is a humanoid female roughly 1.7 meters in height and approximately 145 pounds. SCP (Redacted) has golden eyes and long black hair that is actually a separate entity referred to as SCP 2264-6-B. SCP 2264-6 otherwise appears as that of an attractive caucasian female of 25 years of age. Who is in excellent physical shape.
Girl got kickin curves Too! -Bright

I swear to God Bright! Stop editing this file! - Right

SCP (Redacted) speaks Latin and English fluently. SCP (Redacted) is a prodical doctor and is currently serving as head of SCP medical at Site (Redacted) and Dr.Bright's current personal assistant. SCP (Redacted) is to be called Dr. Crow and only those given permission by Dr.Crow may call her Raven. She is not to be referred to as an SCP in causal conversation as she is now a official doctor of the Foundation with conditional level 4 clearance.

SCP 2264-6 is an expert in the following fields;
- Bioengineering
- Contagious and Infections Diseases
- Biomedicine
- Internal medicine
She is considered an extremely gifted surgeon often completing surgeries thought to be to dangerous or impossible to succeed. With patience surviving and making a full recovery. SCP 2264-6 is also well versed in Medieval history and historical medical practices. SCP 2264-6 is currently working toward has obtained a masters in Crypitobiology and Mythological studies. SCP (Redacted) is allowed to be consulted on any medical matter approved by the proper chain of commanded.

SCP 2264-6 is generally non violent and extremely helpful and professional if asked politely. SCP 2264-6 has recieved military training prior to containment and will use force appropriate to situational circumstances when threatened. SCP 2264-6 is currently awaiting approval for field work and is being personally trained by one Dr.Kondraki.

SCP 2264-6 had been shown to be immune to some SCP enomilous effects. (See Dr.Bright for a complete list of tested SCP or if testing with another SCP is desired.) SCP 2264-6 can transfer this effect onto others for a period of no more then 24 hours. (Further testing has been scheduled please consult Dr.Bright for further information.) The more people the ability is given to decrease the length of the effect by 2 hrs per person. If more then 12 people are given the ability by SCP 2264-6, then the first person given said ability will loose it and given to the newest subject.

Request by the King of the booooterflies for acquiring biological samples of SCP 2264-6 for the possibility of weaponozing it is still pending.

Request by Dr.Clef and Dr.Kondraki to acquire samples of the 'tears' of SCP 2264-6-B

SCP 2264-6-B came in to being on (data expunged) during Incident (Redacted). SCP 2264-6-B is apart of SCP 2264-6. During inactivity SCP 2264-6-B appears as normal straight black hair that periodically moves of it's own accord. Tests have shown in this state each individual strain of hair possess its own nerve stem and vein. SCP 2264-6-B is compromised of a series of microscopic scales that are similar to the Vipera Berus, or the European Black Viper. Removal of SCP 2264-6-B in any of it's forms causes extreme pain to SCP 2264-6 regardless of medication used. This will also cause SCP 2264-6-B to become both active and extreamly hostle. When in an active state SCP 2264-6-B appears to entwine itself and form seven separate serpentine tendrils with black scales. X-rays show each serpent has it own separate and complete skeleton. The faces of SCP 2264-6-B appear as white and gold porcelain masks resembling Tyto Alba, or the common barn owl with a human skull shown via X-Rays underneath. Unless provocativication occurs SCP 2264-6-B is calm and even endearing to those around them. They have been observed assisting both SCP 2264-6 and SCP 049 during surgeries and general daily tasks. Even on occasion tease personal staff and finding lost objects. SCP 2264-6-B dose this smeamingly without orders from SCP 2264-6 suggesting it may possess some form of separate intelligence and concessness as well as a telepathic link to SCP 2264-6. When provoked SCP 2264-6-B will become extreamly aggressive toward any perceived threat to itself, SCP 2264-6 or someone that SCP cares for, see incident .05 . The tendrils will first admit a loud scream similar to that of the Tyto Alba call. The eye openings will then begin to secret a highly acidic black red poisonous liquid. This substance is extremely deadly, and caustic. SCP 2264-6-B will then hover around SCP 2264-6 while emitting low frequency whispers that seem to root the target in fear (Note this substance dose not harm SCP 2264-6). While this occurs SCP 2264-6-B begins to shake much like a dog when wet covering the target in droplets of tears, the victim then shortly there after dies. Examinations of the corpses afterward show massive internal rupture and almost complete liquidation of the brain. The liquid also is use to coat their snake like bodies and destroy objects as they coil around them.

SCP 2264-6: Dr.Raven CrowWhere stories live. Discover now