Chapter 9 The Joker on Stakeout and The trap is Sprung

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Harley Quinn enters Joker's room.

-Boss,you have been starring at the computer for three days.

-I have been patiently watching the Watchtower trough a satellite connection...waiting for the moment when the rest are busy...and she is the only significant one respond to my self-created crisis.

-Mr.J, she flies an invisible jet.How you gonna know?

-See,Harley, if she's out,I see the hanger door open,and I see that nothing goes in,I know she's come back.And when I know she's there,and I see the hanger door open,and I see nothing come out, I know she's leaving.Bats isn't the only one with some brains!

In the Watchtower...

Diana's POV

I can't believe that he did that to me. How he could?

I will ask J'onn to learn more.

-Hi J'onn


-Busy night?

-33 missions in progress.

-Do you.....ever get lonely?

-I don't know.I have never had,what you would term, a relationship.

-Neither have I.

An alert sounds...
-J'ohn,what is this?

-A nuclear power plant is under attack.

-I will take care of it.

-Good luck,Diana.

-Thank you,J'onn.

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