Rukmini's elopement

Start from the beginning

Arjun's pov
"Are things all right Govind? You seem a little restless for the first time" I asked seeing Govind a little nervous. Usually he was the one who calmed everyone down.
"I actually need some help Parth. Will you help me?" He asked. He sounded so ordinary. Krishna was si different and divine most times but today he seemed so human like. He was human...right?
"What help Madhav? Tell me I will help you in all conditions!" I promised.
A smile broke out in Madhav's face. It seemed he was excited about something.
"Are we going to be in trouble?" I asked as I knew my cousin too well. Krishna is always upto mischieves and riddles.
His heart laughter echoed around the mountains.
There is Vidharba! I am invited there Parth" he said looking at the beautiful city peacefully.
I nodded we rode on our horses towards the kingdom but just before entering Krishna stopped me.
"Unfortunately I am not invited by Rukmi" he said dropping the bombshell.
I knew it! It couldnt be that damn easy.
"Then who invited you?" I asked knowing full well that his answer was not a delightful one.
"I am invited by his sister" he said smiling as he handed me a scroll.
"What is this?" I asked as I snatched it away from his hand.
"Hey Shyama, the inexplicable beauty that you behold is far beyond I can ever...Wait is this a love letter Madhav?" I asked as a large grin was visible in his face.

Wait is this a love letter Madhav?" I asked as a large grin was visible in his face

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I couldn't help but smirk. My brother was getting love letters. Looking at her writing it seemed she was an educated woman. Being educated these days is not a huge thing for a woman but her writing had a beautiful curve to it outlining her writing talent. I had never heard of a woman writing a love letter to a man. Rukmini might be the first one and Shyam being the recipient of that letter gave me immense proud.
"Rukmi has planned her marriage with Shishupal but you see Rukmini is in love with me and thus wants me to rescue her" he said smile still visible in his gorgeous face.
"So what do we need to do?" I asked as Krishna looked at me his eyes filled with mischief. I knew this look. I was getting screwed real soon.

Karn's pov
I was busy practicing my archery. Today was my last day in Guru Parshuram's asharam. He didnt have an asharam in particular but it was my last day of lesson. I will have to confess the truth to him today. I am not a brahmin but a suta. I regret lying to the Lord but I am merely fourteen when I met Lord Parshuram for the first time. Angry and dejected after being rejected
by guru Dronacharya I couldnt help but lie. I just wanted to learn...was cast so important in one's life that of can overshadow one's capabilities and right? And wasn't education everyone's right?
"You seem restless my child" Lord Parshuram said bringing back to my present.
I shaked my head responding with a  no.
"Go and give this prasad to Rukmi. Tell him I wont be able to attend Rukmini's marriage but I am sending this prasad for the auspicious wedding" Lord Parshuram said.
"Durvasa too has sent his prasad . We don't want to attend this marriage where the girl is being forced to marry someone against her wishes" Gurudev sighed with grief.
"Why then aren't we stopping this? Isn't it the girl's right to choose her husband?" I asked.
"He is her brother. We cant do anything but hopefully someone else will" He said looking towards the blue sky.
I nodded as I started my journey towards Vidharba.

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