Chapter 2.

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    Disturbed by the pita-patas of footsteps, i wake up with a sore muscle and crammed feet. I stretch then fold my blankets and place them into my old rucksack to begin my day. Making up my mind to look for a job today.
   Ofcourse when i blend into the crowd, people look at me with disgust and disdain. That's the norm anyway so I'm used to it. I try to make myself as small as possible not caring about the dirty shredded clothes on my body. Thank God for my height and face, people always think I'm 16 or 15 meanwhile I'm 18years so i use this to my advantage.
   Taking slow strides towards a poster that said workers needed, i did a little dance of joy in my head before fear overcomes me as reality slaps me in the face. I take a look at my outfit in disdain. I'm sure the moment i step into the shop, I'm going to be kicked out because everything on me screams 'stray', 'street'.
   I pace around for about 5 minutes before taking up the courage to step into the bookshop. There, behind the counter is an old lady. The lady hadn't noticed me yet. I coughed twice, catching her attention.
    "Hello ma'am" I say while figidting with my fingers. She gives me a long side glance, then adjusts her glasses on the bridge of nose which makes me more figidty.
   "How may i help you child?" She asks softly which made spring to my eyes but i pushed them back. It's been so long someone spoke to me with kindness and warmth. I miss that feeling.
   " uhmm... I-I saw the poster which said you needed a worker. I am really in need of this job." I say, peeking under my lashes. My heart beats heavily as i secretly pray to the God up there to make her agree.
   Her faces softens and she shoots a warm smile my way. Once again this made my heart flutter. I don't know but there is something about this woman that brings light into my darkness.
    She steps out of the counter to stand infront of me. "What's your name child?" she asks. " Legend, Legend Boderau" I reply shakily looking down at her. I smile in my heart for the height difference. Atleast i am taller than someone. Cruel i know.
   "Well you can start working now." I smile widely at this. "I'll pay you 15 per hour" she continues then gives me a form to fill.
     I hand the form to her after filling it and she then proceeds the orientation on what and what not to do. After her short lecture, she hands me some clothes.
    " Put these on" she says. " the rest room is first door on your right" she says pointing a hallway.
    " Thanks ma'am" i say with a greatful smile, hugging the clothes to my chest and then go to the rest room.
    I place the clothes on the sink and take in a deep breath. I look up and caught a glimpse  my reflection on the mirror. ' I this really me?' I ask myself. I can't believe this, I've changed so much so i can't even recognize myself. Tears threaten to spill as specks of memories flash through my eyes. I shake my head to get rid of those frightful images.
   I take slow strides to the counter after putting on the cloth and weaving my fingers through my hair to make it look more present-able.
    I walk to the shelves and start rearranging books in order of genres to make it easier for customers to find their preferred books.
      After long hours of work, Lisa came to inform it was time to go home. Wonder how i knew her name?well she told me when i asked her where to put some books that didn't fit on the shelves. She hit a book on my head and said " call me Lisa, i ain't that old afterall". That made my lips hook upwards.
    "Legend, Legend..." Lisa calls. "Uh yes Lisa, what were you saying?" I ask embarrassed. "Oh my this child, it's time to go home" she says with a smile.
   Her smile freezes as she seems to have remembered something. " where do you live?" She asks. This made me tremble and i try avoiding eye contact. " well, you see...." I began "well i live at ...." I was cut off by her.
     " You don't have to tell me, but my doors are open if you need a place to stay." She says giving me a hopeful look.
     This brought tears to my eyes and i finally let them cascade down. I give her a tight hug. " Thanks Lisa...'hick coughs', i don't know why you are so good to me but I'm really greatful" i cry, my snot staining her emaculate white top.
    " It's ok, don't think about it. You are like a grandson to me. I felt a connection with you the moment you stepped foot into this shop. Shhhhh! Don't think about" she conforts while rubbing my back softly. " You are always welcomed here. C'mon, just stay the night here, I'll arrange a room for you." She continues.
   "Thanks Lisa but i really want to sleep in my safe tonight, I'll spend the night tomorrow." I say, looking at her with teary eyes.
  " Okay, ill let you off today but i want to see you sleeping on that bed tomorrow ok?" She scolds.
   "Yes grandma" I reply, this brought a smile to her face.
  "Grandma? I like that" she says with a laugh. She then hands me some cash. "This is your pay for today." "Thank you so much" I say sending a grateful smile her way.
  "C'mon now, you should head home. Don't forget to buy dinner" she tells me. "I won't, good night grandma." I kiss her. "Good night son" she says and kiss' my forehead. I give her one last wave before walking out of the door.

Hi fam.  This is chapter 2 and i hope it isn't that bad. Well I'm starting my final exam next week so won't be able to post but don't worry cuz I'll do that as soon as I'm done with school. Y'all are the LOML.
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