"What!? His name isn't Brandon!!!! It's Tom!"

"What the hell are you talking about? It so is Brandon" Amy laughed while we walked to the locker area.

"Nuh uh!" I stuck my tongue out.

"Yeah? And how do you know?" Amy retorted.

"Cause, I know him." I said in a creepy, ominous voice.

Amy just wagged her finger near her head in a 'she's coo coo for coco puffs' kind of way, sending Alex over the edge to hysterics.

Unfortunately, the bell rang and Amy dragged away a laughing Alex to their first period leaving me with deciphering my schedule.

By the time I figured out my first period was Chemistry, I decided that I probably wouldn't be able to find the classroom anyway. So why try?

Instead, I roamed the halls searching for my locker.

I turned a couple of corners, the locker numbers getting shorter and shorter until I found mine. I sped the combo in and then yanked the locker door open.

A hollow 'bang!' ensued and I slowly took a peak behind the door as to what I hit.

"What the fuck!" Some guy with black emo-y hair cursed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

I let out a small shy "sorry".

Angrily, he swiftly lifted his head and I his face was revealed to me.

I squealed in surprise.

"God. Shut up!" He covered his ears.

I pointed at him, "You!" I stared in disbelief, "You're the guy from the mall!"

He smirked, recognition sinking in, "And you're the bitch who took my prize."

"Ahhhh...Er...." I turned my head to my locker, "I don't know what you're talking about."

He rolled his eyes, "Uh huh" and turned to the locker in front of him.

I peaked at him.

"Uhm... What are you doing?" I asked confusedly.

"Getting into my locker, what do you think I'm doing?" I sarcastically said. 'His' (yeah right) locker clicked and he shoved some of his stuff into it.

"Wait. You mean your locker is next to mine!"

I almost fell over from shock when he mumbled "no shit".

I stared into the empty pit of my locker.

Why me!? Why do I have to have a locker next to this horrible meanie face!!!! It was bad enough to make me cry...

well, not really.


"What?" I turned my head at the emo boy.

He smirked, "Gimme your phone."

"Why?" I whined, already irritated at the fact that he was here.

"What do you mean why? Cause." He took my bag from me and shuffled around in it.

I laughed, "You're not going to find it!"

He looked up from my bag and then glanced at my locker, "Hmmm..." He scratched the back of his head contemplatively.

He smirked and placed his hand on my butt, "Is it here?"

I gasped in shock as he pulled my phone out of it's wedged back pocket.

My arms went flailing to grab it back, but (unfortunately) he had the advantage. He's only a little bit taller than me! I swear, just a tiny bit!

He typed his number into my phone and then typed something (probably my number) into his phone.

I crossed my arms and leaned on the lockers, "You know I hate you, right?"

He laughed, "same here". He tossed my phone into my locker and then left before I could shout something amazingness. You know, some crazy catch phrase that makes you look cool. But then again, that sort of thing doesn't happen in High School...

Cursing him, I put my phone back in its rightful place and then threw everything I owned into the back of my locker.

The bell rang.

Ha! Missed a whole class of ew. Take that Anson High!!! Now that that's taken care of, all I have to do is sick my pal Tom Potter on emo boy and school here won't be half bad.

I quickly rummaged through my locker and found the abused schedule wedged in the corner.

I sighed. Better figure out what crap class I'll have to find again.

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