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"so are you going to the party?"

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"so are you going to the party?"

"what party?" y/n asked denki, eyeing him with a confused look. "tomorrow isn't the first of any month."

"i know, i know," denki said, smiling excitedly. "we're graduating soon, though, so people in our course held one. it's not our whole level, like the other time," he explained, snapping his fingers and sending her a wink, "what do you think?"

"well... i don't really have the social energy," she admitted, sprawling out on her bed, "i'd rather stay home and watch movies with you all day."

"awh, you melt my heart!" he jumped over to peek over the top of her bed, grinning mischievously. "shall we ditch?"

"hmm..." she murmured, thinking. suddenly, she looked mildly uncomfortable, chewing on her bottom lip as she asked, "is todoroki going?"

and the sparkle in denki's eyes dimmed. he smacked his own head, shuffling away. "yes, he is. i've been replaced."

"you haven't, denki!" she called, and he clutched his shirt where his heart was supposed to be in mock pain.

it was likewise with todoroki and midoriya.

"but why aren't you going? we're gonna graduate soon! memories! you need memories!" midoriya protested, frantically waving his hands about in the air, preventing todoroki from leaving midoriya's room. "come on, it wasn't that bad the last time!"

todoroki arched an eyebrow. "wasn't that bad? you're kidding me. everyone was drunk and it was too noisy," he stated, shaking his head, "i'm not going... wait, speaking of last time, someone even vomited on my shoes."

"l/n, you mean."

"oh...oh, midoriya," todoroki suddenly fixed him with a serious gaze, making him gulp. "is she going?"

"...i don't know? uh, i'll text kaminari now!" he pulled out his phone, sending a text to him. he got the reply within seconds, and said, "yes, she's going. heard that, todoroki?" he pointed at him triumphantly, "you have to go since your girlfriend is going!"

"she's not my girlfriend..."


"yet," todoroki finished happily. "just not yet."

midoriya gasped in a very fangirl-ish way.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"looks like it landed at you again," todoroki said as he stared at the person on the other end of the bottle. y/n, who was opposite him in the circle. "l/n, truth or dare?"

"truth?" she said rather timidly. as much as she liked him, she thought that he would be the kind to make her do something really scary like down two cups of alcohol without blinking. maybe he'd throw her in front of two gangsters and dare her to fight them.

"i'm not going to do whatever you're thinking about, if you choose dare," todoroki said, and she gasped. " can read my mind?" she gestured to her head, and he shook his head, looking down to hide his smile.

"i guessed."

"i still choose truth."

"okay, then," he said, leaning in, his head resting gently on the knuckles of his fingers. his elbow was propped against his crossed legs, his body language interested. "what's your ideal type?"

"uh..." she considered it for a second. "of course i like good-looking guys. i don't like it when he's too rowdy... but besides that, i don't really have an ideal type," she said, shrugging. "i don't make someone fit my standards like i'm ticking off a checklist, i just decide if i like them when they come along. because i don't think there's anyone who can really fit the exact standards of someone."

"that was... deep," denki teased and she hit his shoulder.

"hey, someone get a new bottle of alcohol! it's in the fridge!"

"i'll get it!" y/n called, happy to find a reason to escape the awkward situation. she got up and out of the circle, heading over to the refrigerator in a different room. but somehow, she could still hear the conversations going on in the next room, and her ears perked up at the next question.

"todoroki, what's your ideal type?"

she giggled. did they run out of questions?

"...probably l/n."

and her jaw dropped, all the way to the ground. her eyes were big and wide, her ears red, doubting if she heard him right. her grip on the bottle of alcohol tightened—she was so surprised just now she nearly dropped it.

she could hear squeals from the girls and shouts of encouragement from the boys. what is this, a confession? she stood rooted to the ground, stunned, uncertain if she should stay or go back.

"my gosh, her heart would simply explode if she heard that!" she heard denki comment, and her face turned pink.

"...does she have a heart disease?"

laughter erupted, and she heard a faint sound of, "todoroki, it's not like that!" she giggled to herself, eyes crinkling at the corners from smiling and understanding the reason behind why the air around her was so hot.

a/n: to put it bluntly, if the red
doesn't show when you blush, pls
just keep that to yourself. i like using
blushing to convey embarrassment,
so i'm gonna stick to it:D you can
either ignore it or imagine up another
way you'd show your embarrassment,
or just imagine your face heating up :)

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