5: Kindness / Awake

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I rolled my eyes at Hidan before going to the kitchen, grabbing one of the many apples on the counter. I was trying to act cool, so I didn't look for where Itachi was. I figured he'd notice something like that. I rinsed the apple off, wiping it clean.

"Is that dinner?" Itachi asked. I spun around, finding him sitting at the table with a few Onigiri. He took another bite of the one he was currently eating after asking me his question.

I hesitated. "I didn't really bring any food other than snacks."

"Haven't you been traveling?" He questioned. I realized how unwise it sounded.

I corrected myself quickly. "Well, I mean, all the food I had brought, I had already eaten, besides the snacks. I was planning on getting more supplies at Konoha, but then I . . . Ran into you two." I spoke, leaning against the counter. "I'll probably get groceries from the market after we're done training tomorrow."

"Here," Itachi spoke, sliding his plate forward on the table. "Take a few."

I smiled at his offer, but I didn't want to impose. "No, that's your food."

"I was only planning on eating one of these tonight. I bought more than I needed." He had a small smile now. "You're gonna need it if you plan on having any energy tomorrow."

He was right. I took the seat directly across from him, my cheeks heating up as I took one of his Onigiri and took a bite. I looked at its contents, noticing it was made with seaweed instead of meat. I smiled, noting he seemed to be enjoying this meal. I would buy more of the same for him later as a thank you. "This is delicious," I spoke in between bites. "Thank you."

We both started on our second ones, him before I of course, as he'd started eating sooner. I was definitely hungry enough to eat quicker, but I was so shy to begin with, eating in front of him.

Hidan walked in the kitchen now, picking up the apple I was about to eat, taking a bite out of it. He turned around to look at us now. He didn't say a word; He took another bite and walked back out. I looked back down at my second Onigiri, feeling myself starting to get full. I didn't have the biggest stomach which I found advantageous, so I wouldn't be going to bed hungry tonight.

Itachi finished his food and stood up, taking the plate and washing it in the sink as I finished up my last one. I noticed he was almost done washing the plate when I was finishing the last bite and began to chew faster so we'd be able to walk down the hallway at the same time. I wanted to say something to him, anything, but as I wracked my brain for words to say, I found none.

Wow, I was so pathetic. But something about being around him made me. . . Woozy.

I couldn't describe the feeling I got when I was around him, but I knew I liked it. I slowly began to get up from my seat. I didn't want to look like I was rushing. He put the dish on the drying rack and began to walk out of the kitchen when I was. I quietly power scrubbed my plate before casually walked beside him for a moment, hiding my sopping wet hands in my pockets before he turned into his room, opening the door. "Goodnight," he spoke to me. He turned his head and looked directly at my eyes with his red ones, without having to find my gaze. I felt my cheeks heat up as I realized he knew I had kept an eye on him.

"Goodnight," I breathed, embarrassed, flustered, before he closed the door behind him, and I scurried off to my room. I lay on my bed, placing my head in my hands, groaning softly. I was so not smooth. I'd have to take it down a notch while we were training tomorrow.

I just couldn't help but think about him. It was so kind of him to offer me some food, and it had me wondering how bad Itachi Uchiha really was. He seemed so. . . . Nice.

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