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Ohm is surprise when Kao ask him to have some drinks. They are in their second year. It's almost their midterm but he can sense something is wrong so he just nods. They are currently in his house specifically in their garden drinking beer and all.

"My parents getting a divorce. Mom's going to America to live with my grandparents", Kao said after drinking a bottle of beer then open another one

Ohm stops drinking. Kao been telling him that his parents been fighting lately. He feel sorry hearing about it and tap Kao's shoulder.

"Mom's leaving next week, she said ahe already done with the papers and will bring Fluke with her", the bottle on his hands almost slip. The strength on his hands suddenly gone.

"WHAT!?", Ohm can't help but shout. He suddenly feel numb. Fluke will be gone, faraway from him. Faraway from him. An unnfamiliar pain suddenly appear inside of him.

Kao continue drinking and lean on the chair throwing the bottle with force. Ohm grab another bottle and open it. Gulp it like its water. Then, another one.

"Fluke's been crying about it. Even when I left home earlier, I heard him crying pleading Mom to not go. Shit! I'm eighteen but still this hurts", Kao's tone broke.

Ohm didn't said anything instead thinking how's Fluke. Hearing Kao that Fluke's crying, he suddenly wanted to see the younger one.

After a week, he go to Kao's home and he bite his lips when he notice the luggage that the maid putting in a car. He walk fast to get inside.

Kao sitting silently while a loud cry can be heard inside the house. It pains him, "I don't want to go. I want to stay with Dad and P'Kao! I want to stay with Dad and P'Kao!".

Ohm run upstairs and go to the familiar room. The moment he enter it, the one in bed run towards him. Jumping for a hug.

He hug him back tightly as possible. His eyes starting to water, "P'Ohm! I don't want to go. I don't want be separate from you. I want to be with Dad and P'Kao".

Ohm just caress the small back as he try to stop his tears. He don't know how long they stay that way, "Shhh! Stop crying Fluke or you will be ugly" he joke to lighten the mood.

Fluke smack him and sniff. "Baby, don't worry, you can ask your mom to let you visit your brother and Dad during vacation or holidays so don't be sad", Ohm assure Fluke as he caress the small back.

He can feel Fluke nods as the muffle cry stops. Ohm smile as he kiss Fluke's head and slowly remove himself from the hug.

He put his hands in his pocket and pull something there. A necklace. He bought it for Fluke as a souvenir. He slowly put it on the slender neck which make Fluke look up to him.

Ohm smile as Fluke grab the sun pendant, "Take care of it na".

Finally Fluke smile widely as he nods, "I will, P'Ohm. I love you. Wait for me na".

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