Chapter 2

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Keith's POV

'we have found that he is only a young kit or should I say a toddler for humans...'

The world around keith had stopped, after hearing those dreadful word's. Keith was a kit he knew it now.. but, he didn't want except it.

"You're wrong!" Keith yelled and in a fit of rage ran out the room, leaving everyone in shock.

           ——————☾𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚂𝚔𝚒𝚙☽——————

3rd POV

Kolivan had settled with the Allura that Keith would go back with to the BOM base with him.

But no one considered how Keith felt about this or even looked for him.

Kolivan's POV

It was a little shocking how the kit- I mean Keith reacted. I've never seen someone act like that but I understand why he did.

Keith had just been told that he still a child but also not, his human half is an adult but is Galran half is a child.

I just realized something...

He was all alone and in a big castle and no one looked for him or even thought to go after him...

His eyes widened. "Thace!! Look for the kit now!" Kolivan yelled as he ran out the room.

3rd POV

As Thace and Kolivan looked around the ship for Keith the rest of Voltron had a small meeting and that wasn't the best idea...

Keith's POV

I ran back to the control room after a bit but before I could get into the door... I heard my teammates talking and, I couldn't take it...

What did they say? We'll find out on the next chapter!

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