The battle of the hawai island

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Author note : I never thought I made it this far in to the story so thank you for reading.

From last time

As Bonnie start to turn to leave she saw a similar group start to approach her ship.

Bonnie : Yorktown azurlane ship spotted me requesting order.

As Yorktown weighs the pro and con of engage and running away she decided to engage the ship girl.

Yorktown meta : order are to engage the azurlane ship girl fire off a warning shot if they keep approaching fire off lunch your plan to intercept them .

Bonnie as she prepare to fire off a warned shot as the shot fire the ship girl start to return fire Which most of them hit her energy shield.

As the battle began the azurlane ship girl start to swam bonnie as shot bounced off her shield bonnie start firing as soon as one was wounded 2 more will come with more fury then the other.

Bonnie : Yorktown requesting reinforcement I'm swam those obsolete little bastard.

Yorktown meta : reinforcement teleporting in .

Helena meta shatter on the radio : on your left.

As Bonnie look to the left of her ship she saw a 4 portal purple  with red lightning blowing on the back ground open as the 4 figure step out reinforcement has arrived. But In the distance three figures can be seen one with black hair wearing a trench coat and the other a ghostly figure wearing a naval uniform and another wearing a siren style clothing.

??? 1 : so arbiter attack them as plan leave them no mercy.

Arbiters: of course emperor creator.

Another man sitting on a rock with a care free altitude.: so this is it the battle as I have written .

The ghostly man said in resignation: so it has begun one time line vs another. As he disperse in to the cloud .

As the emperor of the siren walk through the portal that leave the trench coat man in the distance to observe the battle.

Mean while in the battle.

As soon as the meta reinforcement arrive all hell let lose shell we're flying out left and right some time hitting friendly siren like jet battle spitfire and hell cat Mac round slam into ship as a scream can be heard across the battlefield .

San Diego: my shipppppp!!!!!!

But ass the fog of war settles the round from lowa 16 inches cannon roar as the horror of the meta New Jersey ship was hit.

lowa : traitor to azurlane why sister? Why must you join the meta what did they offer you for this  as enemy then I must end you.

New Jersey as she cough out blood : humanity need to be save from it self and the plot need to be thickened the last part she Muttered under her breath.

lowa : then so be it. As she fire off her 16 inches gun . New Jersey close her eye to await death but it would never happen . As every one stop and watch the battle of the sister but to the horror of everything one the shell was block a blinding light ( suck it lowa New Jersey has plot armor  ) when the light finally die down it show that New Jersey I has been heal with no injury in sight. The world just stop moving it seem that the only thing that move was a blurry image of a man in a black trench coat walking it look like he was written some thing but as soon as he finishes he was gone.

But as soon as he was gone the siren appear people panic as most of there forces have been injured by the meta Mac round. Ship girl start to retreat but the meta stand there ground. Soon the main battle commenced. 

So thank you for reading this 1 k mile stone is near let hit it.

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