Chapter 12 - She likes you

Start from the beginning

Where the hell am I going to find a girl like that?

Time skip ♪

"Hey,dude" Graham greeted as he placed his tray down in front of me and sat, "Graham? You study here?"

He rolled his eyes and took a bite from the green apple, "Isn't that kinda obvious since I'm here?"

"Oh.." Was all I could say because I really don't feel like entertaining someone right now.

"Check your sob!" He said

"What's a sob?" I asked him, clueless. Does he want me to cry?

"It's school online blog. It's like our school newspaper but in a site." He explained, "Hand me your phone." I handed him my IPhone and he immediately started typing then handed it back to me. My eyes widened.

School's Cutest Couple Broke up?

Haiden and Astrid were heard arguing yesterday, based on a certain student. It would seem like Astrid was cheating on him for Paul Bleadings... blah blah blah

There were a picture of me and Astrid standing in the middle of the hall. I was making an upset expression while Astrid showed concern.

Then the other picture showed Paul kissing Astrid's cheek.

At the sob, I found out that Paul was part of the soccer team which was the same with Seth. He seemed to be pretty popular in school too for his friendly aura and attitude.

"Is it true?" Graham asked, forcing me to take my eyes off my phone.

"Y-yeah, I guess..." I sighed

"So do you still like her?" He asked


"Do you want her to go?"


"Do you want her to come back?"

"Without a doubt."

"Are you going to sulk all day instead of getting her back?"

"Why are you..." I stared at him and found him staring back at me seriously which made me Stop talking.

"Dude, Last question." He leaned closer, "Do you trust Paul enough to have Astrid?"

The question made me froze. Paul cheated on her and dumped her for her ex girlfriend Sarah. There is no garantee that Paul would stay loyal to her and not hurt her again.

"You know, I personally think you much more suitable for my sister." Graham said making my eyes widen in shock. Sister?

"Yes, Astrid is my sister. Didn't you realize the similarity? Blonde, blue eyes?" He asked playfully, "Graham Hofferson."

"Oh, Uh... Hey," I stuttered

"So? Are you going to let her slip away?"

"But.. What can I do? She's head over heels for him." I sighed again, starting to give up.

"My dad told me, he likes you." I looked up to him. What is he trying to say?

"Look, if you care for my sister, you wouldn't just sit here and watch how she gets back with the guy who made her cry for months of time."

He's right

''If your giving up at least for the sake of your feelings for Astrid and for my sister. Don't let her end up with the wrong hands.'' He stood up and threw the apple in the trash can.

"Astrid is not very good at expressing her feelings. She's also very naive despite the image she's emitting.'' He bent down and leaned in, inches away from my ears.

"She likes you."

He bent back up again and placed his hand on his pocket. I looked at him with pure disbelief

"She just doesn't realize it yet."

"No, she doesn't."

"I'm counting on you to get her to forget the past then," He grinned and turned around

"Future Brother In Law,"



Are you happy that Paul and Astrid are not together?

Your not happy? :O

Then I shall make Paul and Astrid for you!

Does your heart still hurts?


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