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after waiting about five minutes, someone walks into the door. her dirty blonde hair faded into
purple tips, and a grunge outfit which only leads you to blush.

CRYSTAL: ok guys she's here. oh, and don't start fighting with your dad, ok?

the girl walks in and sits in the chair next to Michael.

MICHAEL: don't worry, if we start fighting i'll win anyways. for anybody who didn't know, this is my daughter, Iza.

IZA: hey..!

YOU: oh, um hi it's nice to meet you!

ASHTON: i'll leave you two so you can get to know each other before we start. i need to run to the washroom real quick.

IZA: oh ok!

YOU: so Iza, uh what instruments do you play?

IZA: well my dad has taught me how to play guitar, but my favorite instrument is the bass. i learned from Calum

YOU: wait who's Calum?

IZA: Calum Hood?

YOU: doesn't ring a bell

IZA: damn knowing my dad i was sure he would've told you everything about Luke and Calum.

YOU: who's Luke?..

IZA: wow i can't believe my dad hasn't spilled all of his band knowledge to you yet.

YOU: well Ashton tried to keep everything a secret from me i think

IZA: yep, sounds like Ashton. low-profile, sassy, and loves to be barefoot

YOU: that explains so much

IZA: well anyways, Calum Hood is the bassist for their band. Luke Hemmings is the lead singer and rhythmic guitarist. My dad is the lead guitarist and sings some, and Ashton is the drummer.

YOU: wow that's so cool. so... does this mean i'm friends with famous people?...

IZA: well, since you put it that way then yes. but you cannot tell ANYONE. i want to live a normal teenage life without having people stopping me every five seconds-

YOU: of summer?

IZA: shit not you too. but the point is i don't want to be known as "Michael Clifford's daughter".

YOU: wow. uh i'm so sorry that you have to worry about that stuff.

IZA: it's ok, there's not much you can do about it really. just know i think that you are a lovely person

you blush and continue to talk with Iza for another few minutes while Ashton and Michael get things ready for the class.

Crystal walks in the room with Ashton and Michael following her. You and Iza arrange the seats into rows and leave two empty seats for Ashton and Michael. Crystal walks out to go back to the front desk, and you, Iza, Mikey, and Ash wait for students to arrive.

ASHTON: i need to print out the list of students coming real quick. i'll be right back.

MICHAEL: ok i will wait for the students to arrive.

IZA: dad, my bass is in the other room right?

MICHAEL: uh yeah i think. i'll go grab it because my guitar is with Crystal.

IZA: thanks

Michael left the room and it was just you and Iza. the silence was killing you, and you had no clue what to say especially to somebody you barely met. you panicked and blurted out, "so... what's your opinion on the gays?"

IZA: uh.. what?

YOU: i'm sorry i hated the silence

IZA: oh my god me too. and i'm pan... so gays are cool

a stunned look came across Iza's face

YOU: did i do something wrong? is everything o-

IZA: shit i just came out to the first person ever and i barely know them-

just as she said that, Michael came back into the room with a stunned look

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