Who's That?

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Mr. Smith excitedly smiles, just to tell you and your class who your new art teacher is.

a kid named Alex in your class asks Mr. Smith, "well, who is it?"

Just as Alex asks that, a tall man comes into the classroom. His curly hair flops on the sides of his face. Wearing a polka dot shirt, and ripped black skinny jeans, he waves and smiles.

you think to yourself,
wow he's hot.

MR. SMITH: here's your new teacher, Mr. Irwin!

MR. IRWIN: please, call me Mr. Ash. better yet, just Ash!

your whole class is in awe of this man. he looked so familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on who he was.

MR. ASH: Hey everyone, my name is Ashton. I'll be surprised if you know who i am. Anyways, since it's my first day teaching here i'll leave you guys to have a free day. So, do whatever you want i guess. Ill just sit here. Just behave!

Your mind tries to process why he kept staring up at the class, then it hit me. He's barefoot. He's trying to make sure nobody sees. I don't know why, but go with the flow i guess?

The boy sitting next to you wonders why you are staring under the desk, then you secretly point to his feet. The boy laughs.

That boy is actually your cousin named Finn.

He moved closer to your family from Florida. Finn chuckles and asks, "Why is he barefoot?"

YOU: i don't know maybe he likes to have his toes free?

FINN: i guess

The bell rings. you go to two other classes before going to lunch. You meet up with your friend in the courtyard.

YOU: ok what was it that you needed to tell me?

AUBREY: ok here goes nothing. so, i've been thinking about my sexuality. um, and i've found out that i'm bisexual.


AUBREY: really? i was scared to tell you

a kid heard you and your friend talking.

he jumps up and runs over to your friend and pours his soda over her head, chuckling and walking back to his friends. as he walks away, he says "bitches" under his breath. you walk over to him as he walks away, and turns him around to punch him in the face.

his nose bloody, your fist aching, and your friend confused. Mr. Ash walks over and asks, "What's going on?"


MR. ASH: WOAH WOAH WOAH. Slow down, let's ask Aubrey what happened.

AUBREY: well, i just came out to my friend as bi and he came over here and poured his drink over me.

MR. ASH: ok, we'll i'm very proud of you for coming out. go to the front office to get a new pair of clothes, and i'll go talk to your friend.

YOU: i'm so so so sorry Mr. Ash.

MR. ASH: no need to apologize yet, but what is that kid's name?

YOU: oh, his name? his name is Jake. That's his friend Joe, and his other friend John.

MR. ASH: all j names huh? could've seen that coming. well, you need to go to the office. you and Jake are coming with me to the office for now.

   at the office

JAKE: i can't believe you got us in trouble.

YOU: i didn't. and stop being a homophobic bitch and suck it up that there's people who have brains in the fucking universe.
look, i'm sorry i broke your nose but don't mess with my friend.

AUBREY: Mr. Ash said we could go. jake, go to hell. come on bestie we are going since it's the end of the day anyways.

YOU: oh, ok. i have work after school so let's go to your house first.

AUBREY: sounds good!
(feels good😜)

My Best FriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora