Chapter 7

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Louis' pov

Today is Saturday and Eleanor and I have to go for a pap walk. Eleanor and I actually are friends, because we thought it would be better than hating each other.

I'm glad I have her, so I can talk to her about my problems with Harry. I'm in love with Harry. He thinks I hate him.

"You're really fucking stupid Louis" Eleanor says matter of factly.

"Yeah I know, but I can't have him know. He would never forgive me for acting like I hate him!" I say back.

"Harry is a forgiving person, it is actually very worrying." She says.

"You can't know that." I say quietly.

"True. I can't know it. He could say he hates you and push you off a cliff. No dumbass, that kid is in love with you. He was devastated when I came into the picture." She says.

"He was devastated because I was with you and he wasn't." I sigh.

"Louis William Tomlinson. If you honestly think Harry is a womanizer, you really need to have your brain fucking examined. He is the least likely in the band to be a womanizer. How does he stand you?" She said exasperated.

"He never denies anymore, because there is nothing to deny." I point out.

"You need to get your shit together. He doesn't deny it because you wouldn't believe him anyway! I reckon he hasn't been with half the people you've been with, you bloody twat!" She said.

"You really think so?" I say skeptically.

"Yes! I've only been saying it the last thirty minutes that we've been here! Not even to mention the last year!" She shrieks.

"Alright, chill out." I roll my eyes.

I just know if there weren't camera on us, she would push me off the sidewalk into the street.

After the pap walk Simon calls and tells me to bring Eleanor back to the hotel.

When we're there we head up to my room and watch TV for awhile.

"You should tell him right now."

"What? Now?" I ask.

"Yeah, you said he never leaves his room on the weekends! Perfect time to do it!" She says.

So we head to his room. We knock for awhile until I remember we all have each other's key cards.

I open the door and step in, to see no signs of Harry.

"I thought you said he never leaves on weekends?" She says.

"I did, and he doesn't." I say surprised.

"Why is there so much stuff here?" Eleanor asks.

"What the fuck is this shit?" I ask holding up some women's clothing. "I told you he shags a new girl every week."

"That's not true" I hear from behind us.

Eleanor and I turn around to find Zayn and Harry standing at the door.

"Sod off Zayn, we both know it is true! Why else would there be women's clothing in his room? His sister? Last I checked Gemma wouldn't be caught dead wearing such a slutty outfit!" I say with malice.

Then, Harry puts his face in Zayn's neck. Zayn rubs his back soothingly, whispering something.

I look over at Eleanor who looks thoughtful, then she looks like she figured out something.

She looks over at Harry shocked, then her face softens.

"Louis get the fuck out" she says calmly still looking at Harry softly.

"What?" I say shocked.

"You heard me, get the fuck out"

So I leave.

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