Assassin vs Assassin! Dragon v.s Demon!

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"So where exactly are we going?" I asked.

Feels like I'm being led into a trap.

"Sparring room." He said. "Probably the best place to fight that I can think of."

He led me downstairs and towards the door leading to the side of the building when I was nearly run into by a tall figure. Instinctively, I threw a punch at it's head but it blocked instantly.


It was a brown-skinned guy who was noticeably taller than both Arthur and me. He had long dreads and brown eyes and was wearing a blue basketball jersey with matching blue and white shorts. "Sorry about the man. Didn't see ya there."

"It's fine." I replied.

"Yo Arthur, what's goin on here? Who's he?"

"Random guy that appeared at our doorstep. He wants to fight me so we're going to the sparring area." There was literally no enthusiasm in his voice. You would think the guy had a gun to his head.

"You, uh, don't seem too hyped about that. You don't have to fight him, ya know?" Tucker informed him.

I crossed my arms. "That's what I told him. He just wouldn't listen."

"Miss Mya won't allow me to back down. Said it's too interesting to miss." He yawned.

Miss Mya?

"That girl again?" I swear one of these days I'm gonna—."

"Lose just like you did last time?" Arthur's tone was noticeably more venomous, which was uncharacteristically different from before.

I didn't know what they were talking about, but the pained face Tucker had on told me that Arthur hit a spore spot.

"Ah, I'm sorry Tucker! I didn't mean to say that."

Weird, he seems like a different person again.

"Yeah, I know." Tucker replied in a somewhat downcast expression. I know it ain't your fault but—." Tucker paused.

"We should move on to the fight." I interjected.

I don't want to have to be in the middle of unnecessary drama. I just want to beat him up really quickly so I can find a way to get home.

Arthur nodded. "Right."

Next to their mansion was a decently-sized plain looking building. The inside was a lot more spacious than the outside would have you believe. The first room we entered was pretty much a gym, complete with racks of sports balls and retracted basketball goals on the ceiling.

We didn't stay for long and quickly moved onto the other room, where the majority of the room was a fighting area. The ground and the walls around us were stainless steel. To the sides were sparring gear and other equipment for different martial arts.

"Here we go. The most flame resistant room we got." Tucker said. "So you're free to go all out."

I nodded.

"So what kind of fight is happening here?" Tucker asked.

"Dunno, Leo proposed the challenge." Arthur mentioned.

"Considering we both have powers of some capacity, it'll be fair we use them, right?" I said.

"Sure, why not." Arthur agreed. "How do we know when a side wins?"

"One of us concedes or is knocked out. That's fine, right?"

"Sounds good to—." Arthur paused. He let out a heavy sigh. "Don't hold back." He said.

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