" By a few days ," Alexandra spoke up angrily ," But doesn't mean it's his_"

A loud slapping sound echoed through the room as Edward's hand made contact with her cheek .

With wide eyes everyone stared at him in shock . They didn't think he'd ever do such a thing .

Then Alexandra bend down to lift up Grayson ." Come on ,Gray . I think it's time we leave this house . Goodbye , Cullens . Thanks for having us . "

With that she strode out of the room, tears forming in her tear ducts while her cheek felt like it was on fire .

If she hadn't have her son to look out for , she'd have killed Edward with her bare hands .

But she had Grayson there and didn't want to scar him for live .
" He asleep ?", Charlie asked Alexandra ,who answered with a curt nod .

It had taken a while for her child to fall asleep . Edward's actions today had scared him .

" Doctor Cullen called . I told him that you didn't want to talk to him or his family . That you're​ leaving in the morning and won't be back for a while ".

She looked at her Uncle with surprise in her eyes . He'd told a lie for her .

She wasn't leaving because let's face it , there wasn't anywhere for her to run to where the Volturi won't find her .

She had to stay even if she didn't want to . She owed Bella that because both their children were in danger . Even if Bella was a Cullen now .

Bella had tried to defend her . It wasn't something she'd expected .

She rubbed her cheek that wasn't burning anymore . There wasn't even a bruise where Edward's hand had touched her skin . It was just the memory of it that made her touch her cheek .

" Doctor Cullen didn't sound happy . Why is that ?".

She sighed . Her Uncle knew by now that Carlisle is Grayson's father . Anyone with eyes could see the resemblance .

" It's probably because I'm leaving with Grayson . He'd want to see him and wouldn't be able to if I leave . "

Charlie nodded then jumped when the doorbell rang .

" I'll get it ", Alexandra said ,waving at him to stay seated and enjoy his TV show.

She walked over to the door , opening it and she wasn't surprised to see Carlisle standing on the doorstep.

" What do you want , Doctor Cullen ?", she asked coldly.

He looked at her with sad, sad eyes . " Alexandra , I ... I came to apologize for Edward's behaviour and to ask you to not leave . I know you don't want to hear it , but I really would be heartbroken if you do .If you really want to go away , why not accompany me to England?. We've figured out a plan of action against the Volturi . We're gathering witnesses to help see the truth about Renesmee and Grayson. Please , this isn't just for my family . "

She stared at him wondering if he was joking . Why would she even want to go with him ?. Or even help ?.
And why is he apologizing and not Edward ?.

It was Edward who slapped her and accused her son of influencing Renesmee ,right ?. So it wasn't Carlisle's duty to apologize on his behalf .

" I'm sorry , Doctor Cullen ,but I've had enough of your family . It's time that you let go of any hope of making me a part of that . I'll never be . Nor will Grayson . Edward said it himself , didn't he ?. We're not your family . Go home and leave us alone . I'm sorry but it's for the best ".
His shoulders sagged visibly and the look he gave her would've made her crumble if it wasn't for the fact that she had a child to protect from his Coven mate .

" Alexandra , you won't have to see Edward again . Just come to England with me , please ? . I won't ask for more than that . I'll ... I'll keep my distance if that's what you want ".

She bit her lip and folded her arms around herself in self preservation as she listened to the broken tone of his as he pleaded with her .

She needed to protect her heart and how could she if she felt and saw the hurt that was on his face and in his heart ?.

She needed to protect her heart because she wouldn't be able to resist and stand her ground if she gave in so easily .

" Carlisle , I'm sorry ,but it's for the best. You need to understand that Grayson and I won't ever be your family. You have your family . Go back to them and ...and forget about us . I'll try to find another way to help myself and my child . I'm really sorry ."

He nodded before stepping back from the door and with a rush of air ,he was gone and she felt her heart break into a thousand little pieces .
Sorry . Hope you liked.💟

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