Chapter 25

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" Jacob, you can't tell Carlisle . He'll try to leave and then Sam will kill him ", Edward reasoned," Besides ,Bella needs him . She's family . Alexandra isn't . Please , don't tell him ".

" She's gonna die if we don't help her , Edward . She's gonna haunt us if we don't do something . Carlisle has the right to know . She's his mate , right?. I heard Rosalie say so the other day when Bella asked why Carlisle is not talking . Would you want him to hate you if he loses her ?".

They were standing far enough from the house so that no one could hear them talk .

" Jacob , she's not family ", he pleaded .

" Yeah , you said that ,but Carlisle's child's life is in danger just as much as his mate's . Wouldn't​ you have wanted to know if it was Bella and you weren't there to help?".

Edward looked down in shame ,but he still didn't want Carlisle to know . Bella needed him too much now  .
" Uncle Charlie , I send Bonnie to help . Look , it's gonna be okay . Don't worry . Cora Bennett will be there too . She'll help Bonnie . They'll explain . "

" Okay ,but it's really urgent right now . Elena , she's not gonna make it if we don't get help ,okay?. I'm sorry if I have to say it ."

" She'll make it . She has to . I got to get to class now . I'm sorry if I can't be there right now ".

" I understand . Bye, Elena ."

They hung up and Charlie walked to the living room where Alexandra lay on the couch , staring at the TV without really watching anything . 

She was just skin and bones now . There was nothing of a glowing mother-to-be showing.
She looked like a zombie.

" Alex , guess what ?. Your friend Bonnie is coming to help you . I don't know what she can do ,but Elena seems to think that she can help , so , I'll give it a try ".

Alexandra didn't say a thing which worried him. 

Sue had told him that she'd called Leah ,but it seemed to be useless .
What was Leah doing at the Cullens' house , anyway.

Doctor Cullen didn't even respond ,so what was the use of calling Leah?.

It wasn't an hour later when Cora Bennett came walking through the door with Bonnie and strangely Stefan. Elena had said nothing about Stefan.

" Hello, Charlie ," Cora said ," We're going to help her , alright ?. I'm sure she's going to survive this . Stefan , can you carry her upstairs ?. Charlie ,you should wait down here with Billy . Sue ,you can come with us . We'll need your help with the birth of the little one considering that , you're a nurse . How's your husband by the way ? . Is he eating his greens ?".

" He's taking care of things in La Push while Billy and I are helping out here ," Sue said as they followed Stefan upstairs ," I can never thank Stefan enough for saving his life . It's just bad that he had to give up his job as an Elder so he could live easier . Another heart attack could kill him for sure ".

" Well ,at least you're doing great in his place . He should be grateful for such a good wife ".

" Oh believe me ,he is ."

" That's good to hear . Stefan ,you can place her on the bed . Just take off the covers . Leave the sheet . We can clean that when the baby's here ."

Stefan nodded silently , feeling bad that Alexandra looked like a zombie . He was somehow glad that his species can't procreate . If Elena would've gotten pregnant ....No ,he didn't even want to think about it.

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