18. He's back?

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Me and Julie are brainstorming ideas on how to get back at her. We did have this one idea that might work. If she is connected to Caleb, the is she dead then too? Let's just say she is.

So our plan is, we put a stamp on her. The same ones that Caleb had on us. And if she doesn't leave us alone, then we leave her to die. It sounds pretty harsh, but we have to do what we have to do to keep Julie and her family safe.

"So, you really think this will work?" Julie asks me.

"I hope so, let's just hope that she is a ghost." I say.

Me and the boys head to the HGC and go back up to Caleb's used-to-be private room, we decided not to bring Julie because we need to keep her safe in any way possible.

We notice a tall, slim, figure emerge from the back of the room. I squint to see if I can tell who it is. And I gasp, as soon as I hear that same bone-chilling voice.

"Well, hello boys." The figure says with a devilish chuckle at the end.

"Caleb?!" We all say in unison.

"That's right, and I'm not very happy. You may have burned my book, but my book didn't burn me."

"How are you even here!" I yell at him.

"Well, that little stunt that I pulled, was called my disappearing act. And you'll do that same act pretty soon. Only it might not be an act." He says with a sinister smile creeping onto his face.

"Wha-" is all I can say before being wrapped in rope and tied to a chair. I have tape on my mouth too. I can't do anything. If I try to break free, a horrible zap runs through my body.

Reggie and Alex are in the same situation. We aren't even facing each other, and I know that they are going through the same pain as I am.

Caleb poofs out with a "Bye boys!"

I yell at the top of my lungs. "Some-mph-one-mph!" I muffle out, being blocked by the tape. What is Julie gonna think. She is going to be worried sick! I need to see her.

I try to break free again but the zaps are taking me over and I end up fainting because of how bad it hurts.

I wake up a few hours later I'm guessing and I see a few pieces of stray paper on the floor. I remember that Willie taught us how to send items to people. And I always have a pen in my pocket just in case someone wants an autograph.

I wriggle in my chair and my pen finally escapes, luckily it only falls onto the chair and doesn't drop down on the floor. I use my hands to get the pen since it's my wrists that are tied together. I use my feet to move myself over to a piece of paper. I pick up the piece of paper with my feet and reach until I can get it to my hands behind my back. I start writing a letter to Julie. And then I send it to her, hopefully she finds it soon.

Julie's POV...

I'm sitting in the studio and it's been hours since I've last seen the boys. We started making a plan at 4 and it's now 9:30. I don't know where they are and it's worrying me. What if Ella got to them.

Then I find a letter on the piano that definitely was not there before. I pick it up and it says something I can barely make out. It looks sloppy, it's Luke's handwriting and it's even worse than usual, there is scribbles and dots all over the place. It seems as though he was struggling a lot to write this, and I have a feeling it's not his fault.

𝓳ꪊꪶ𝓲ꫀ ρꪶꫀꪖ𝘴ꫀ ᥴꪮꪑꫀ ꫝꫀꪶρ ꪊ𝘴. ᭙ꫀ ꪖ𝘳ꫀ ꫝꪮ𝘴𝓽ꪖᧁꫀ 𝓲ꪀ ᥴꪖꪶꫀ᥇'𝘴 𝘳ꪮꪮꪑ. ρꪶꫀꪖ𝘴ꫀ 𝓳ꪊꪶ𝓲ꫀ 𝓲𝓽 𝘳ꫀꪖꪶꪶꪗ ꫝꪊ𝘳𝓽𝘴... ~ꪶꪊ𝘬ꫀ

When She Became Mineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें