"Okay, okay, I give up!" He panted, less out of exhaustion than shock and maybe even fear. He wasn't sure.

"Already? Pussy."

Even with the somewhat mean comment, Bakugo was just as panicked. He crossed his arms, settling back on his chair and nudging at Kirishima's. He didn't say much, quickly regaining his composure and ignoring the flustered feeling bubbling up in his gut. He forced it back down, though. He wasn't going to let his feelings—the ones he absolutely didn't have, Kirishima was just his friend; his best friend even—bother him. So, he helped Kirishima through the rest of the work until as the clock ticked by and he found that it was past dinner.

"Hey, Bakugo?" Kirishima shifted in his chair, suddenly nervous despite having wanted to ask for a while. . "D'you maybe wanna do something tonight? I know we're studying or whatever, but it's Friday and—well, just . . . not studying? I, uh—"

"Shut up, Shitty Hair. You're gonna give yourself an aneurysm." Bakugo frowned at his paper. "Sure, whatever. What did you have in mind?"

"Oh! Uh, we can watch a movie? Denki recommended some horror movies the other day. Ooh, or I could set up Ark again?" Kirishima babbled on and Bakugo fought back the twinge of jealousy at the use of Kaminari's given name. Hearing his own family name was already annoying, he thought they were past that. But, evidently, he was wrong. They hadn't yet gotten to Katsuki and Eijiro and that pained him.

He furrowed his brow, staring down aggressively as a new thought popped into his head. "Sleepover."

Kirishima paused mid sentence, tilting his head with a dumbfounded grin. "No way. I'm in a dream. You wouldn't ever—aw! Suki, bro!" He launched himself at Bakugo, enveloping him in an inescapable hug.

"Get off of me! I'll fucking kill you you bitch!" Bakugo thrashed even though he wasn't very mad at all. Kirishima persisted anyhow, squeezing impossibly tighter and covering himself in a thin layer of hardened skin to help protect himself from pointy elbows and strong kicks. He howled with laughter, even when the door was all but burst open and Aizawa watched for several seconds as they rolled around on the floor.

"I don't get paid enough for this," the teacher muttered, letting out a long, exasperated sigh. "For the love of God, Kirishima, let Bakugo go before he kills someone. I don't need to clean blood, it's not a fun task."

Kirishima stared, wide eyed yet still grinning as he let go of the boy. Bakugo hit him over the head once, then twice, then a third time for good measure, although Kirishima wasn't sure. Then, he pushed himself up and pulled his leg back to kick the redhead.

"Bakugo," Aizawa warned, long and slow and filled with exhaustion. "Don't do it."

Bakugo stared him dead in the eye as he slowly, so slowly, tapped Kirishima's side with his foot. Aizawa groaned, slamming the door in their faces without so much as a goodbye. Not even a scolding. He was far too exhausted to even bother with it, having fought off three villains the night before. Rather, he pulled out his phone as he made his way through the rest of the dorms.

I'm absolutely done with Bakugo I'm going to kill him.

Was it dramatic? Yes, it was. Aizawa was well aware of this. However, he didn't exactly care. Apparently, his husband didn't either.

aww, babe, you know you love the idiot

The teacher grunted, mildly annoyed at the truth. I love all the idiots. That's the problem.

am i one of the idiots?

That got a smile. Unfortunately, yes. However if that boy doesn't do something about those painfully obvious feelings of his, he won't be one of the idiots.

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