Chapter 2 | Mistakes were made

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[Ryu Jin's Pov]

"So you saved my number wrong and didn't notice this until now?" Yeji said as she was getting her hair done "Yeah... i probably put it wrong when i changed my phone" I replied eating some snacks since i'm already done with my hair and makeup, Yeji snickered "I've never thought you would be the type to get someone's number wrong" She smiled "Yah, in my defense i was tired when i did that and didn't double check" She shook her head and smiled

"Unnie after this you wanna go shopping for something" Yuna suddenly said after focusing on her phone for God knows how long "Didn't you just bought clothes last week" Lia standing up from her hair and makeup seat "I did, but it's for my friend she's having a birthday tomorrow" Yuna explained and we nodded "I'll go tell Manager unnie then" I said standing up

*One time skip later*

As Yuna was looking for stuff with Lia and Chaeryoung and Yeji went to a shoe shop since Yeji's white af1's was ruined during practice, I waited at the food cafe with one of our managers.

I was playing a game until a notification popped up on my screen

Y/n Has Sent you 1 Message

I unconsciously smiled and tapped the notif

Y/n: hey how are ryu doin...

Y/n: okay that was bad sorry

Ryujin: keke

Ryujin: i'm fine

Ryujin: and yeah don't say that ever again or i'll block you

Y/n: keke... sorry

Ryujin : n e ways wassup?

Y/n : nothin i'm just bored

Ryujin : wooow so you just text me just to alleviate your boredom... i see how it is

Y/n : AHHH NO!

Y/n : That's not what I meant...

Ryujin : hahah

Ryujin : i know i'm just messing with ya

Y/n : ..... meanie

I smiled to myself, we talked for what felt like hours until my other members finally came "why do you guys look like you have been dancing for mnet?" I asked with a confused face.

"I accidentally posted a story before we got out of here" Lia said smiling with a face full of guilt "We need to get out of here before it gets worse, our security is clearing a way for us" Yeji said, i packed my things and got up with our managers in the front and some at the back with four of our bodyguard in each side

as we walked through the mob of camera flashes and midzy's scream, we clung onto each other and made it safely "You should be more careful next time Lia yah" Yeji scolded her and Lia nodded "I will don't worry" Lia said "Everyone here? Everyone Okay?" Our manager climbed into the passenger seat looking behind her and we nodded "We're okay unnie" Yuna replied giving her an okay sign, Our manager nodded and The driver started the car and headed our way out of the parking garage

I rested my head on the seat, checking my phone to see if y/n texted again "Yahh Ryujin unnie, you have been checking your phone a lot lately" Yuna teased and Chaeryoung Giggled beside her "Yeah who are you texting huh" Yeji nudged me and tried to take a peek at my phone "Yah! It's just a friend" I sulked and hid my phone from yeji, the whole ride was filled with them teasing me and started to make random conspiracy that i was a mafia and i was texting my boss or something

I got enough of them and just put my earphones on and closed my eyes

To be continued


Wrong Number | Shin Ryujin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now