Chapter 3 | The Campus Concert pt.1

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[No one's Pov]

Weeks passed by and Ryujin's And Y/n Relationship grew stronger, they talked with each other almost every time, sometimes it was cut short because Ryujin had to practice and y/n had to attend classes.

From time to time Y/n wondered what would she look like, he did asked one time but Ryujin wasn't sure if she should give it to him, she's afraid that he might change if he knew who she was, wouldn't be the first time that it has happened but that's a story for later

But for now let's focus on the present, y/n is seating on his desk on their campus's dorm doing his assignments for his semester while listening to some music on low volume

[y/n Pov]

'And that conclude my research on this, sorry for any grammatical in this Document' I hit save the document and slumped down my seat "Hey y/n" One of my dorm mate leaned on the door knocking on the door "Hmmm" i only hummed since i was tired "Can i ask a favour" He said coming in leaning on my desk "What is it" I turned my chair facing him "Well the campus is holding like a talent concert, and since you used to dance and sing i was thinking that you can join me and group" He asked looking at me

"I don't know daemi, it's been a long time since i danced" I said turning in my seat "And i can't sing" i said opening another document "Bullshit! you sang your heart out on your room a few days ago" He laughed "I thought i was alone" i mumbled "I'll think about it okay" I said typing another essay "Alright don't take too long okay we still need to prepare" He said patting my back and i nodded

Next Morning

I finished my first class of the day and it's still long till the next one starts so i just went back to my dorm and lay in my bed and opened my phone 'should i text ryujin?' i opened the messenger app 'nah she's probably busy' i was about to close my phone but it suddenly dinged

Daemi has sent a message

Daemi: Have you made a decision??

'ahh right the concert' i opened my campus schedule and scrolled down, the event was still long so they have a lot of time of prepare, 'eh why not, i'm getting an extra points anyways' i opened back the messenger app

Y/n: Yeah sure i'm down

Y/n: Are you practicing today??

Daemi: yes in an hour or so while we wait for our next class

Y/n: ahh okay

Y/n: Where tho?

Daemi: You know that empty class?

Daemi: We were able to have that to ourselves since hyunsik was the event organizer

Y/n: Okay then

Y/n: btw who's on the team

Daemi: Well the ones you know are me and Hyunsik, the other two i'll introduce you to them when you're here

Y/n: kay kay

[Third Person Pov]

After the chat Y/n closes his eyes resting it for a bit till it's time to go again, well that was his original plan till his phone started dinging again 'Daemi i swear i will choke you in your slee-' The angered boy expression soften when he sees who it is

Ryujiniee Has sent you message(s)

Ryujiniee: Y/NNNNNNNNN


Y/n: Jesus ryu you act as if we were separated for years

Ryujiniee: It sure felt like it TT

Y/n: Aweee does baby ryu misses me~

There was a pause after he sent this and he worried that he made her uncomfortable

Y/n: sorry

Ryujiniee: keke. it's fine i wasn't expecting it that's all

Ryujiniee: You haven't answered me btw

Y/n: ahh yes, yes i'm fine!!

Y/n: Still tired from all the assignments but i'm fine

Ryujiniee: hahah hwaiting y/n

As they were chatting amongst themselves a question popped inside y/n's head

Y/n: Ryujin??

Ryujiniee: Yeah?

Y/n: Can I ask something?

Ryujiniee: Suree!

Ryujiniee: *gasps* are you asking me to marry you

Y/n: huh?

Y/n: what? No i'm not asking you that

Ryujiniee: keke i know i was playing around

Ryujiniee: wassup?!

Y/n: You said you liked to dance right?

On the other side the short blonde hair girl grew anxious 'Did he find out, ahhh what should i do' she thought ruffling her hair 'Okay stay calm, stay on character' the girl took a deep breath and replied quickly

Ryujiniee: Yeah!! why'd you ask

Y/n: Well my friend asked me for a favour for a campus Concert, he wanted me to dance and sing like what idols do, i just don't know how to do it, got any advice??

Ryujin sighed relieved, she thought about it for awhile finding the right words

Ryujiniee: Well if you haven't got the motivation to dance like them then it gonna be 10x more harder to do anything, but if you do then that's a whole different story, you see being an idol is more than just to dance or sing at the same time, no matter how hard you train or how long it takes if you don't have the confidence then it's such a waste of talent and time, confidence is key y/n

Y/n: i see, thanks ryujiniee i appreciate it

Ryujiniee: No problemm, btw when is your performance

Y/n: in about a month or so, you wanna come?

Y/n: i can get you a ticket if you want

'Aish I really wanna go but I might get caught tho..' Ryujin thought, with a heavy heart she has to declined

Ryujiniee: Sorry i'm meeting my parents next month

The boy was quite devastated when she said she couldn't join

Y/n: Ahhh it's alright

Ryujiniee: Maybe you can send me your performance when you're done

Y/n: Yeahh sure!

Y/n was about to type something else but someone ranged him

Incoming call from Daemi

Y/n you comin or?

Ahhh shit yeah yeah on my way

Okay hurry up yeah?


Y/n hurriedly jumped out of his bed and grabbed his hoodie and put his shoes on but before he quickly typed something to ryujin

Y/n: i gtg they're waiting for me at practice

He hit send and quickly sprinted out of his dorm room

To Be Continued


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