Chapter 1: One Hell of a Party

Start from the beginning

"Alright nanora!" 

"Mhm! You have my full support Cocochi!" Watame said to her

"PPtenshi has your back" Kanata said as she looked at her house and gen mate with determination all over her face. As the rest of them stated their support for their friend, Towa had a scheme in mind "Alright...if I can just get these two together, I get to see not only an embarrassed Coco, I'll also get to witness a sight never seen before (Y/N) being embarrassed! I just have to push one of them into the other and it'll be perfect!" as she would think this, she'd be somewhat ignored by her gen mates, all of them having an idea as to what she could be thinking off. 

In another area of the building would be the idols of Holostars. "You guys excited to see him again right?" Shien asked all of them. "Of course we are Shien..." Astel deadpanned. "Anyways, so Roberu is your bar gonna be free tonight?" Oga asked him

"Mhm yeah! I'll make sure to close it earlier than usual, so we can hang there once the party is finished" 

"Only problem I see is Yagoo-san not allowing use to hang out unsupervised, especially after what happened last time" Arurandeisu said as he looked at a few people in particular. "Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen this time!" Shien said laughing 

"Hey so uhh I actually don't know what happened, what did some of you and (Y/N) end up doing anyways?" a confused Izuru asks. Shien looked away whistling, Oga simply avoided eye contact and Roberu was sweating a bit profusely, and a few others were a bit nervous, trying to think of a semi-decent answer. 

"I can explain what happened" someone said butting into their conversation, everyone darted their heads to the entrance of the room to see (Y/N), though what stood out about him this time was someone pulling a koala bear on him. This someone was a certain serotonin Oni who was clinging onto (Y/N)'s back, her chin resting on his shoulder with an innocent smile on her face. 

"What happened then?" Izuru asked 

"And why is Ayame hugging you like there's no tomorrow?" Roberu asks, while trying to hold back his laughter. (Y/N) sighs and looks at them "Not important, as for the 'incident', well its gonna be a long story so get comfortable" 

Flashback 3rd Person POV, Several Months Before the Events of the Story

 Outside of Over Corp's main building could be seen four particular people, those four of course being Yoberu, Shien, Oga and (Y/N) just hanging around and talking about random things. "Ayo, Roberu so how's it going with 'Ruri-nee'" (Y/N) said, before laughing immediately after he said this. "Oi-oi! Urusai! I told you guys several times! I'm an orthodox pervert!" 

"Still a pervert none the less" Oga said going against the bartender and siding with (Y/N). Shien chuckled at this and looked at (Y/N) "Hey (Y/N), shouldn't you be training with Cosmo or something?" 

"Hm? Oh about that, I just finished my training with them a few days ago" he answered sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Didn't you start training with them like seven months ago?" Oga asked him

"Yeah I did, though I did a crash course with them on Jiu Jitsu, just took me a bit more than half a year to get the hang of the important shit" you said chuckling. "Makes sense, so how's that custom martial arts coming along? What was it called?" Roberu asked, his hand on his chin. him deep in thought trying to remember what the name of his friend's fighting style was called. "Kure Style Mixed Martial Arts" 

(AN: If any of you can get that kinda reference, props to you :>)

"So have you completed it yet?" Shien asks him

"Unfortunately no, that's why I'm leaving for a bit, gonna go train under a few people until its completed". "Wait so who's going to take your place as Cover Corp's affiliated fighter?" Shien asked looking at you. You sighed, Oga shook his head and Yoberu chuckled and said to the jackal demi-human "Shien, did you forget? We have a second affiliate fighter" 

Shien then looked at him and it finally hit him "Oh yeah! Anyways we should do like a good bye party for you (Y/N)!" he said

"I don't think thats really necessary, besides I'm not leaving forever" 

"I already told the rest of Holostars, most of them have plans to stream later, the rest can go though" Oga said, putting his phone back in his pocket. "We can just hang at my bar later, I'll close it earlier than usual so we can do this properly!"

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