A Little Piece of Heaven

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*A/n: The angst starts now. Trigger warning: mentions of suicide. Read at your own risk*



Chaeyoung's eyes fluttered open upon hearing Lisa's giggle beside her. She smiled and closed her eyes as she scooted closer to the Thai. She heard Lisa let out another giggle as she feels warm arms enclose her in a tight embrace. She could hear Lisa's heartbeat and its silent rhythm lulling her back to sleep.

"Rosie, babe," Lisa laughs, "You need to wake up."

"Noerr..." Chaeyoung mumbles against Lisa's chest.

"Noerrr..." Lisa mimics, earning her a soft slap on the arm from the blonde. Lisa chortles.

"Babe, stop laughing, you're vibrating." Chaeyoung grunts. She opens her eyes and felt her heart melt when she saw Lisa looking back at her with a soft smile.

"Happy anniversary, Baby." Lisa whispers before leaning forward and capturing Roseanne's lips for a short kiss. Chaeyoung pouts when Lisa leaned back. The Thai laughed after seeing Chaeyoung pouting.

"Can't I just stay here?" Chaeyoung asked, "I really don't want to go to school today."

"You can't," Lisa laughs, "And besides, you promised." Lisa reminds her with a soft smile.

Chaeyoung smiles and sits up, "Fine, I'll go prepare now." She jumps off the bed and turns around to look back at Lisa.

Lisa grinned.

"I'll be here when you get home, missy." Lisa said, waving Chaeyoung off.

Chaeyoung chuckles and turned to the door.

"See you later, babe." Lisa shouts as Chaeyoung opens the door to leave.

"Hey Lisa," Chaeyoung looks at Lisa who turned to her side and looked back at Chaeyoung, "Don't go where I can't follow."

"Of course, Baby. Of course."


Chaeyoung was walking along the school hallways when she saw Jisoo in front of the lockers. Smiling, the blonde almost ran towards the oblivious girl to greet her.

"Jisoo-unnie!" Chaeyoung greeted with a smile.

Jisoo almost dropped her things upon Chaeyoung's greeting, "Goodness, Chaeyoung!"

"You should have seen your face, Chaeyoung guffaws, "you look really scared, Unnie." Chaeyoung says as she wiped the tears from her eyes. When she didn't hear a reply she looked at Jisoo who was just looking at her. "What? Not funny?"

Jisoo sighs, "No, it's just that, you seem happy."

"What do you mean?"

Jisoo looks at Chaeyoung who seem really confused. Jisoo shrugged and smiled, "Nothing. Happiness looks good on you, y'know."

Chaeyoung smiled widely and intertwines her arms towards the older girl who grumbled from the sudden physical contact making Chaeyoung giggle.

"We should get to class!" Chaeyoung exclaims as if she forgot where they currently were.

"No shit, dumbass." Jisoo replied.


The day passed by quickly with all the same school shit, as Jennie would describe it, which earned a laugh from Roseanne. The three girls were currently in front of the lockers, talking animatedly about how the day went when the bell rang signalling that the last class was about to start. Jennie groaned, earning laughters from the other two girls.

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