hawk: we.are.done

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y/n's pov





"we can't keep going back and forth like this hawk. i don't like being known as the couple who just constantly fights." i say looking down

"please y/n, i promise you. she kissed me. i would never do that to you. okay? please just, i'm begging you to believe me."

i sigh "okay"

"i love you forever y/n"

what a fucking lie. what a fucking lie

"what happened to loving me? and never wanting to loose me? what happened to that hawk?" i say

"things were getting heated. words were being said. just because i broke demetris arm doesnt mean anything. it doesn't have anything to do with you" he says

"yes it does actually. he's my fucking brother!"

"this is different! i love you! i haven't done anything to you!"

"yet saying you loved me was all just words huh?"

"no y/n i didn't mean it like that. of course i love you. i'm, i'm not thinking straight"

"that's funny because that happens to be the new excuse for every thing you do wrong! my dumbass believes it. every, single fucking time. i think it's happened."

"what has happened y/n?"

"all those toxins from the hair dye has sunk into your fucking brain"

"please y/n, i love you. i didn't mean what i said. i didn't mean to come off like that."

"no i perfectly understand how you mean it. we're done. i, i cant anymore. this is all, this is just too much." i say leaving

"y/n don't leave me please."


just like that. i left. he became such a dick after. what did i expect honestly? peace and love from everyone? hah, yeah right.

"oh look! it's the one and only, y/n! the famous cheater!"

"still telling people that bullshit story about me? seems like you're obsessed with me hawk" i say with a smirk

"i um, n-no. you w-wish." he says

i laugh "no actually i don't. that's why I broke up with YOU. not the other way around."

"dude. you got broken up with? holy shit!" kyler says making the other cobra kais laugh.

"oops, my mistake. looks like i accidentally let the truth slip." i say. he looks down "bye bye" i say before walking off.

"you lost THAT? bro, you fucked up." i hear rickenburger say

"i know."

~time skip~
i'm at a party with tory. she encouraged me to go and get my mind off the whole situation. she told me hawk wasn't going to be here. she lied since he's making his way over to me.

"can we talk. please?" hawk says

"about?" i say sipping my drink from my cup

"not here" he says. i sigh and stand up front my spot on the couch and walk away from the party with him.

"you got 5 minutes" i say

"i never meant what i said"

"oh i know. you made it very clear everything you said was jUsT wOrDs."

"no y/n, not that. i meant what i said about loving you. i didn't mean what i said about it being just words. i was lost and confused. i was trying to be tough and make it seem like i didn't need you."

"who are you trying to be tough for hawk? because this whole being tough act is making you lose your actual friends and family that ACTUALLY care about you."

"i know. but just please trust and believe me when i say this. i love you. no one else. i see myself with no one else but you. you are my love. my person. and it was selfish of me to say those rude words to you. i should have never treated you the way i did. i miss you. i miss miguel, demetri, chris, nate, bert, assface, sensei lawrence. i miss them all. but mostly you y/n. you are the one i am constantly thinking about. i cant let you go. i should have never made everyone believe you cheated on me. i should been honest instead of lying like a little sensitive bitch. i'm losing myself without you."

"you've already lost yourself hawk. we can all tell. it's scary who you are becoming. no one knows you anymore. do you even know yourself?"

"no, i don't to be completely honestly. but i know that i have lost myself. but please take me back. i want to be better, but still be badass."

i laugh

"i missed your laugh too y/n. i miss your touch and your voice, your smile. everything. being able to see you next to me in the mornings. please take me back. i beg. i cant be without you any longer. "

i sigh "if i take you back, will you promise me that you'll be better? and join eagle fang?"

"yes, weird name for a dojo by the way."

"okay then, i'll take you back. but you have to prove yourself first."

he smiles and picks me up and spins me "can i kiss you?" he says putting my back down.

"yes, you may" i say. he kisses me. both our lips missed each other. we missed each other. each other's touch, everything. maybe he's right. maybe i'm his person, and he's mine.
that was cute...
stay safe. do drugs not school <3
-jazzy 💕

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