hawk: deja vu

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this a request <3

y/n's pov
hawk broke up with me for tory. yup. tory.

car rides to malibu, strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two

i see them everyday, at hawk and i's favorite ice cream shop down at malibu. i showed him that place when we first started dating.

and trading jackets, laughing bout how small it looks on you

hawk and i always loved trading jackets. mine wouldn't fit him. and now they are doing it too... so pathetic

watching reruns of glee, being annoying, singing in harmony

hawk hated glee until i introduced him to it. we loved singing to it. and now, well i'm pretty sure you get the fucking idea.

i bet she's bragging, to all her friends, saying you're so unique. hmm

oh no she definitely is bragging to her friends. how do i know? because i'm her fucking best friend. yeah, my best friend stole my boyfriend. slick mother fucker. i saw it coming, he didn't. he didn't believe me.

so when you gonna tell her? that we did that too. she thinks it's special, but it's all reused
that was our place, i found it first
i made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you

hawk, he has no sense of humor. and i mean absolutely none... it's sad. i stole most of the jokes you hear from me from demetri and johnny. now hawk stole them from me and tory stole them from him.

"so then the popcorn told the corn 'it's me brother!' isn't that so funny?!" (i know it's bad, idk go with it)

johnny and i look at each other. he was standing next to me and we both had our arms crossed over our chest. we give each other a 'she's seriously using our joke to us' face.

"haha so funny. 50 push-ups" johnny says. i cackle

"wait what, why?" tory says

"for being a home wrecker and stealing my joke." johnny says

"your joke?"

"yup. ask hawk where he heard it from." i say

"babe come here" tory says

"hey hawk, do you get deja vu?" johnny says

"hmm?" hawk says

"do you get deja vu when she's with you?" i say


"for fucking sake, DO YOU GET DEJA FUCKING VU?" johnny says

"is this about the popcorn and corn joke?" hawk says. johnny and i laugh.

"you wanna do it or me?" i say

"nope, you do it." johnny says

"how bout we both do it?" i say

"do what?" tory says

"on the count of three?" johnny says



"3!" we say in sync. johnny sweeps hawk's left foot causing him to fall back and i sweep tory's right foot causing her to fall next to hawk.

"great job kiddo" johnny says slapping my shoulder. yup, he's my dad.

"ow" tory groans. hawk gets up. he stands in front of me.

"strawberry ice cream in malibu, don't act like we didn't do that shit, too. you're tradin' jackets like we used to do." i say

"yeah everything's all reused. wanna know why? because i fucking miss you dammit. i miss you so much. and everyday i hate myself for leaving you for tory." he says. my dad and i give each other wide eyes.

"i knew it. you owe me 20 bucks" johnny says

"dad not now." i say "hawk i've missed you too" i say. he pulls me into a hug.

"does this mean you guys are dating again?" johnny says. hawk nods.

"tory, we're over." hawk says. tory scoffs and walks out the door.

"pussy" my dad mumbles


"sorry sorry. hawk if you break her heart i won't hesitate to break your fucking face. got it? cool bye" he says

hawk and i laugh. he pulls me into a kiss


"y-yes sensei" hawk says

"ooooo someone's scared" i tease

"shut up"
surprise surprise, johnny was ur dad 😏😏

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